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Y/n and Aidan 'hating'
eachother for Five ;)
minutes straight
Y/n and Aidan being
the literal parents of
George for four minutes
Y/n and Aidan being
the literal (C/n) and
Five for four minutes
Aidan raining Y/n with
love and attention for
Seven minutes straight
Y/n being the child she
is for 1 hour lol
C/n being more of
a sibling to Five's
siblings than he do ▶️play
Y/n and Aidan's
livestream compilation
Y/n and Aidan behind
the scenes
(C/n) and Five
bickering like an old
married couple
because they are an
old married couple
Five and Vanya
fighting for (C/n)'s
attention for
13 minutes straight

Bold with (*)-is the opinion of the editor


"Because you're ordinary"Five reasons as Y/n jabbed Five's ribs roughly as she smiles at Vanya

"I'm sorry Vanya dear,what he means is you'll listen"


"What does he mean?"Luther asks as Five shruggs

"Does it matter?,its Klaus"Five reasons as Y/n gasps lightly as she glares at Five before smacking Five in the arm making him hiss.

"Sorry"he mutters


"I think this one is better,"Y/n says as she helps Klaus pick between one of the skirts he wants to buy.

"Say anything and I'll kill you"Five glares at the girls whispering about his wife and brother.

"You know what Klaus sweetie,lets just buy them both"Y/n smiles as she pulls Klaus towards the cashier


"Okay everybody shut the fuck up!,all of you better listen to Five!"Y/n yells making them stop bickering as they look down,avoiding her gaze.

"He spent years trying to go back here to all of you!,and you can't even listen to him!?,all of you better pull yourselves together or else we're getting out of here...and let you save yourselves alone from the upcoming apocalypse."Y/n rants

"So will all of you listen now?"she asks as they nodded like kids



"All of you ruined your timelines,"Reginald stated as the Hargreeves along with Y/n stood infront of him as he explained the Sparrow Academy.

"Because of your A+ parenting!"Y/n reasons

"Well I must be doing right,because my academy manage to keep him alive in this timeline"Reginald retorted pointing at Ben

Y/n's eyes then widens as she gasps.

"How dare you hurt my children like this—"Y/n yells as she stomps towards Reginald to attack him but Five wrapped his arms on her waist to stop her.

"Put me down Five!I swear to fuckin—,I will kill this man all of you call father!"

"Calm down Y/n!"

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

𝐂𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞||𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎/𝙰𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now