Chapter 9

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Chapter 9!

"You had children and didn't tell me? You left without telling me! I hated you for a while Amelia! I got over it of course but you didn't write text or call! I worried about you! I missed you like crazy and it didn't help Danny started dating Claire so now she's round here all the time" Maria says shaking her head crying. 

I go to her and wrap my arms around her rock her gently.

"Maria I wanted to write to you so bad but I was scared who you'd react when you found out that you're an aunt! For God sake I was scared I would have no-one! Do you know how it feels to be completely alone? So scared that you can barely eat or even drink? I lost a lot of weight after I had the twins. I thought I was alone. I even attempted suicide it got that bad! Luke came just in time and stopped me and reminded me what I had to lose if I died. I was at rock bottom" I say crying now.

"You attempted to kill yourself?!" She looked at me shocked. I nodded slowly and hung my head.

"Promise me you won't ever do anything like that again?" she asked and I nodded my head.

"I need to meet the guy who saved your life!" She said and I laughed.

"Your just his type" I say.

She laughs.

"So let's go downstairs and tell mum we're best friends again" She jokes.

We walk out of her room to here moans. Female and male. Claire and Danny's to be precise.

I roll my eyes.

"I hope their using protection" Max says from behind me making me jump.

"I agree" I say nodding my head. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and nuzzle my neck. It always used to be like this. We had a flirtatious relationship when we were 14 and 15 before I got pregnant.

We would flirt and kiss but it would go no further.

His hands slipped down down to my bum and I laughed and playfully hit him. He kissed my cheek and laughed.

"Come on guys! Seriously?" Maria yells and covers her eyes trying to walk down the stairs not looking. We laugh at her.

We all walk into the kitchen and I sit on the counter like I used to.  Julie hit me with the tea towel.

I laugh at her and she smiles back.

"umm Mummy's being a bad girl!" Jack says and I laugh at him.

"DINNER'S READY!" Julie yells. I cover my ears.

"Thanks Julie" I say sarcastically. She hits me again with tea towel laughing.

We all leave the kitchen and go sit at the table in the dining room. I sit across from Max and next to my children. Maria sits next to Lucy. Danny walks in followed by a scruffy Claire. Danny sits next to Jack and leaves Claire to sit next to Julie and Max.

"So how was school Amelia?" Julie asks. Claire looks shocked.

"It was fine. Quite good actually. Luke came and joined me and it turns out he's staying for a while" I say with a smile. I feel a foot slide up mine and look across the table to Max.

"Who's Luke?" He asks.

"A close friend" I say with a smile.

"I'M HOME!" Gregory, Danny's dad calls.

"Hey dad!" I call out and see him rush into the room.

"Amelia?!" He says and I stand up and hug him.

"How've you been?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Not too good. Who are the children?" He asks.

"This is my daughter Lucy and My son Jack" I say.

He looked shocked. He looked between me and the twins then looked at Danny. He looked back at me and I nodded. He glared at Danny then went to sit down after kissing Julie. I smile at them and sit back down. Jace saunters into the room and sits next to Gregory.

I run my foot up Max's leg and reach his knee rubbing it up and down . I see him spit the water he was drinking out over the table.

"You ok?" Danny asks him. He nods.

I smile at him.

Dinner went by quickly after.

"Me and Max will wash up and dry up. Won't we Max?" I say and he nods. Julie smiles at me.

"Thank you darling" She says and we carry all the dishes into the kitchen.

"Why are we washing up while they watch the film?" He asks.

"So we can talk and they can bond with the twins" I say. Jace had disappeared again.

Max pushed me gently into the sink while I was filling the sink up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Hugging you" He said and wrapped his arms around me rubbing my waist.

I smile and lean back into him.

I grab a handful of bubbles and shove them into his face and hear him laugh. He presses me harder into the sink and wipes his face over my hair and neck.

I squirm and hear him suck in a breath. He steps back after giving my neck a quick kiss. We finish washing up quietly and then join the others in the living room.

Max sits on the sofa and pats the spot next to him. I plonk down and see the twins asleep on the floor with their heads on Danny's lap. Claire had gone home and Julie and Gregory were cuddled up on the other sofa.

I shiver at the temperature of the room. Max grabs two blankets and hands one to Danny and puts the other over us. Under the blanket he wraps his arm around me and starts rubbing down my shoulder. With his other hand he grabs mine and just simple holds it. I snuggle into him to warm up.

One of his hands plays with the end of my hair while the other plays with my hand. I smile and stroke his fingers and rest my free hand on his thigh.  He stiffens for a split second before he relaxes.  I feel my eyes start to drift shut and all I feel before I fall to sleep is the warmth and comfort of Max. I fall asleep with a smile on my face.


I know its not much sorry :\ Ill try and upload more soon xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2011 ⏰

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