Surprise! You have a daughter! <3 Chapter 5

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Chapter 5!

Amelia's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and looked at my clock. 6.45am. Oops I fell asleep in my room after I hung up from Luke. I went to the bathroom and got in the shower. After I got out and dried off I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair leaving it to spiral down my back in slight curls. I went to my closet where my suitcase was and got out my underwear, bra and clothes for the day.

I quickly got dressed and went to wake the guys up. I walked into the room and found Lucy and Danny cuddled up together on the one seater. They had a blanket pulled up to their necks and Danny had rested his head on Lucy's.I smiled andpulled my phone out taking photos of them together. Then I went and wokeall the guys up. When they were up I went to get breakfast while Lucy and everyone got dressed.

" Can Lucy stay with us today?" My mum asked.

"Of course" I say smiling.

"Lets go!" Sam yelled

I jumped up and kissed Lucy on her cheek as she had just walked through the door.

" Bye mummy! Bye daddy" I sighed and ran out the door hearing Danny yell out " Bye sweetie!"

As he wasrunning he tripped over andfell face first onto the ground.

I looked at him and laughed.

"Amelia what are you wearing?" Sam said looking me over. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Clothes." Danny got up and looked at me. His jaw dropped open. The other guys came out the house and stopped looking at me.

"Oh come on guys!" I say and head towardds my car.

"Oh no you don't your riding with us!" Mark says. I freeze and look at him smirking.

"Oh please please PLEASE rephrase that!" I say to him. He pales and his face turns into one of shock. I laugh as do the guys. He shakes his head and drags me to the car.

15 minutes later

We pulled up in a car spot at the school. I stepped out the car watching as Paul, the hot geek, got on the ground and kissed it.

Me and Mark laughed.

"You think that's fast you should see her on an empty road in the countryside!" Mark told him.

Jordan walked over to us and removed his glasses.

"Dudes who's the chick?" Jordan said with raised eyebrows.

He looked me over. I was wearing high shorts and a white ruffle top and ballet shoes.

"Amelia" Tom replied before I could open my mouth.

Jordan's mouth dropped and he hugged me tight. Everyone in the car park gasped. I heard whispers of "He has a heart!" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

My phone rang. I got my phone out and answered it still hugging Jordan.

"Hello sexy thang what you up to?" I rolled my eyes.

"Having wild sex with my old friend Jordan" I joked. All the guys looked at me shocked.

"Amelia! I'll talk to you later then!" He hung up. I laughed and looked at my screen sighing. My wallpaper was me and Luke sharing a kiss. It was back when me and him were dating. Jordan saw and went "Ex-boyfriend?" I nodded and he looked at my screen again.

"Right let's go!" Sam yelled and he led me to the office.

"Right I'm leaving you here I'll see you at lunch ok?" I nodded.

The headmaster came out and gave me a long speech so long in fact that by the end of it homeroom had finished and it was first period.

"Gym. Shall I walk you?"

"Yes please" I reply politely.

"This way" He led me to the gym and I rqan to get changed. When I was doneI saw that I had this lesson withall the guys but also with Claire.

" New girl! You any good at dance or gymnastics?" Coach yelled at me.

"I'm ok I guess?" I say. Sam scoffs.

"She's good. Trust me" The coach nods and says " Claire challenge her!"

Claire smirks "My pleasure"

She does a load of complex dance moves including gymnastic stunts.I just watch. Interesting. She finishes and says " Try putting some of the moves to a song" I laugh and nod my head. 

"Choose your song and tell Cindy over there" By now everyone went to the bleachers and were sat down. Sam mouthed 'you can do it'

Danny looked aprehensive and kinda scared. I chose Do it like a dude Jessie J.

" I know the dance!" Mark yelled out winking at me.

"You need backing dancers?" I shrug " I can use Mark if need be"

"Oi Mark get your arse down here and dance back up!" I laugh.

"You need to do two or three dances that all right?" I nod.

"You ready?" I ask him smiling.

Everyone looks worried. The music starts and we do the dance moves. It got kinda heated at one point and Danny looked uncomfortable. But that might e because Claire had her tongue in his ear.

Towards the end a group of people walk in the gym and take a seat.

The song ended and everyone kinda clapped but not enthusiastically.  I looked at the new people who walked in.

"No way!" I ran and hugged the male who stood up.

"LUKE!!!!!!" We fell onto the bench and my dance crew laughed.

"AMELIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  We stood up and he looked at me.

"Was that the best you could do?"  I shrugged.

"No it wasn't!"

"You feel like dancing back up?" I ask giving my puppy dog eyes to them all.

"HELL YEAH" We all ran to the floor and got in our positions.

The opening bit of Damned if I do ya ( Damned if I don't) - All time low came on.

This was the best gym lesson I could ask for I had; My best friends, My guys, My brother, My crew! and we were dancing together again. But something has to go wrong this is too perfect. The song ended.

"Amelia that was mum. Why didn't you tell us you also had a son?"  Sam said looking annoyed.

See I told you so.

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