Surprise! You have a daughter! <3

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who writes me supportive comments and makes my day! I'll write all your

Chapter 6

Amelia's P.O.V

Oh your joking.

"LUKE!" I yelled at him. Danny walked over to us.

"Something you need to um I don't know EXPLAIN?" Sam yelled at me. All the students were just sitting there staring at us. The coach went and sat down smiling.

"Oh this is better than Eastenders!" He exclaimed.

I glared at him. Then I turned to Mark. He held his hands up and said "You're on your own with this one!"

"Oh gee thanks"

"Amelia Rose Dulay you had better start explaining this and now we need answers"  Sam said.

"So Lucy has a brother! I didn't want to tell you because I wanted  to see how you would react when you found out about Lucy and then I was going to tell you about Jack tonight!"

"How old is he?"  Danny asked.

"Five" I whispered.

"You had twins and you didn't think I needed to know?! How stupid are you?" He whisper yelled back.

"Stupid enough to sleep with you!" I said through my teeth.

"You know Mia did everything she could to bring her children up on her own! She had me and Mark to help for a while but when Mark left and it was us she really struggled. You!" Luke said pointing at Danny and  then at Sam " And you! You have the life every teenager wishes they could have! You can go out and get pissed and not have to worry about two children at home! You don't have to consider how your going to juggle school, work and sorting out the kids! Mia didn't ask to be a mum! But now she has two beautiful children and a wonderful loving additional family! She has Mark who understands her! You two need to get of your high horses and sort it out!" Luke yelled fianlly stopping and hugging me tight.

Sam just opened and closed his mouth. But before he could say anything the bell rang.

"Right everyone go get changed and I'll see you tomorrow!" Coach yelled. I ran and got changed back into my school clothes.

When I left the changing room without speaking to anyone I met Luke outside.

"Where are the others?" I asked hugging him hard.

"They went back to yours while I stay and attend school with you" He replied hugging me back harder.

"We have the same lessons?" He nodded still hugging me.

"Well then let's go!" I say grabbing his hand pulling him along.

"Umm Mia sweetie your going the wrong way!" He says laughing tugging me in the opposite direction.

I laugh and follow him. " I take it you found all the lessons and rooms before you ccame to find me" I say. He nods and laughs.

We literally walked into the classroom laughing hand in hand two minutes later. The teacher looked at us and smiled " Oh hello I'm Miss Fayers could you both introduce yourselves then tell us something about you and your life. I'll start because I'm new too. Ok class I'm Miss Fayers. I am thirty nine and I have two  twin boys who are eighteen. Right now you can start first" She smiles pointing to Luke.

"Oh crap. Ok I'm Luke and I'm 18. I am a player but I know how to treat a girl properly. Don't I Mia?" I roll my eyes. "She loves me really. Now where was I oh yeah I am a big sucker for really pretty girls as you can see by this gorgeous creature here? I love sport but I also love dance."  I laugh.

Surprise! You have a daughter! &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now