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(Dracos POV)

We got to McGonagall's office with loads of time to spare.
But Hermione being the little teacher's pet and always having to get places early thought we nearly late and now we have left her office she is telling me how irresponsible I am.
" Draco! Are you listening to me?"
" Yes."which is not wrong I just wasn't really paying attention.
She looked at me and rolled her eyes and I was going to tolerate that.
"What the fuck did you just do with your eyes."I stood and I towered over her and I could see a little smile that she made knowing she had pissed me off.
And she just looked back at me with her brown eyes.
I could feel myself losing control by the second it took all I could to not kiss her right then and she new that.
"Draco your so dramatic I didn't do anything." She said rolling her eyes again she was mocking me which annoyed me all the more.
"Stop rolling your eyes at me." I said leaning right into her, my lips were hovering above hers she leaded in closing the distance,
"Make me." She whispered so seductively
And walked off.
I stood there for a few seconds before gaining my composure and going after her.

(Hermiones POV)

I could hear he started walking again and I didn't mind because I had won that battle.
Untill I was pulled against a wall and Draco had his hand around my neck tight enough to keep me in place but not too tight he was hurting me.
His hair was now untidy his once perfect hair was now over his face it reminded of him years ago.
And just like years ago he had his smirk on his face.
"The next time you think about rolling your eyes at me there will me consequences do you understand."
He was speaking into my ear and the warmth of his breaths sent shivers over my body.
"Do you understand?" He said as his lips moved teasingly along my jaw line to stop just hovering above my lips.
"Good girl." He said thinking he had one but I was just waiting for the right time.
He moved away letting his hands fall to my hips.
He was staring at me thinking something.
But I wasn't going to ask because that would mean I would have to care and I don't.I can't.Do I care?

(Slytherin common room)

We walked in together because I didn't know the password but I expected it to be something rude which it was like really
'pureblood power' surely not everyone in Slytherin thinks that.
And I was right once I had sent to my dorm I was embraced by someone once I had pulled out of her embrace she introduced herself.
"Hi I'm Kiki."
" It's nice to meet you Kiki."
We were chatting for about an hour and she was really nice she was in the same year as me and I don't know how I have never met her before but then I always thought that all Sytherins were all pests so I probably never really paid attention to her.
She reminded me a lot of Ginny they had the same sense of humour.
But after a while I grew tired so we said our good night's and went to bed.

(Dracos POV, 1 in the morning)

I had went to bed about three hours ago after chatting with Blaise about everything.
He was my best friend we trusted each other with everything he was their when my father got sent to Azkaban.But I just couldn't get to sleep and I didn't want to wake home so I got up out of my bed and decide to go to the Comman room I didn't really make an effort because I didn't think anyone would be down here at this time. So I just wearing some joggers and I couldn't really be bothered to put a top on so I went down topless which I realised was a mistake when I was treated by a figure walking up and down the room.
I watched her for a while and she looked destressed probably a nightmare about the war some evil shit had happened thought that and I regretted everything.
That I wasn't strong enough to fight my father.
That I was a coward.
That I stood by to scared to help incident people from dying.
But I would never admit that to anyone.
I hadn't realised she had noticed me but when I came back to reality she was looking at me.
"Are you deaf Malfoy I have been trying to talk to you for the last five minutes and you have just been staring at me so you are either deaf or a weirdo."
She snapped.
And I wasn't really in the mood to get into an argument so I walked straight past her to the sofa that was in front of the dying fire.
As so as I was about to relax she started again I wasn't even listening.
"Do you ever shut up!" I didn't shout it but I raised my voice a little otherwise I would not have been heard over her no stop moaning.
"I came down here at this time because I didn't want to be surrounded by idiots that love the sound of there own voice but now I'm down here that was obviously a mistake because now I'm stuck with a fucking know it all that loves the sound of her own life which is a horrible combination.so please...shut...the fuck up." As I was talking to her I never once lifted me head from the back of the sofa where t was resting not did I open my eyes.
"I like the sound of my own voice are you being serious you are the most selfish stuck up fucking asshole I have ever meet your are so vain you think everything is all about you.
And if other people don't see it your way you bully them and make them feel worthless
Just to make yourself feel better."
She said it like she had rehearsed it in her head and she was waiting for the right time to say but I expected it and none of I really hurt my feeling it was nothing I haven't been told before but the bit she add on the end hurt.
"Just cause your father didn't love you and treated you like shit doesn't mean you can treat people like shit ok Malfoy."
And that pushed me over the edge and for someone that has not sleepy in ages and is already having a bad night it didn't end well.

(Hermione's POV)

I was up against the wall he had his had around my neck but it wasn't like last time he didn't have his playful smirk his face was cold and his had want around my neck just to keep me there it hurt.
"The next time you wan to tell people your option of the take a look at your self you filthy little slut!"
"Draco your..your hurting..."
"You look all inosant but you been with everyone Viktor, weasel I bet you have even been with scar head thats probably the only reason they keep you around because you are a filthy little slut!"
His words stung but I had to be brave I kept clawing at his hand and I knew it was going to bruise so that was going to be just great but he was emotionless his eyes were dead I found no emotion in them.
He let go of my neck and it stung.
I was shock that he had physical hurt me it always used to be just name calling and thing like that but he physical hurt me and it scared me.
I was staring at him in shock and my body just took over I walk up to him and slapped home as hard as I could around the face.
"You are horrible Draco Malfoy and you are lucky that we have now sign the agreement because I though you had changed but you haven't."
I push past him and started walking to the stair I had done so well so far not to cry and I wasn't going to I'm not going to cry because of him I kept telling myself "your not going to cry about what he said because you would actually have to care what he thinks about you  for that to happen."
And I carried on walk up the stairs to my dorm leaving him there.

(Draco's POV)

She left me there just stood there with her words.
I don't know what I did I don't know what had come over me but it wasn't me I had always been taught never to hurt a woman and to respect them and even though my father was a horrible and ruthless man he always treated my mother right.
So I don't know why I did that but I know my mother would be disappointed in me
I dropped to my knees not caring about the pain when my knees hit the floor I was just looking at the had that I used to hurt her.
I knew it was going to leave a bruise and the thought of me being her really pained me inside.
"I'm...I'm so sorry Hermione" I knew she was long gone to her dorm by now and I knew she would never expect my apologie after what I did to her but I meant it .
What is she doing to me.
I never used to say sorry for anything now she's makeing me say it without second thoughts.
I need to sort this out I need to pull my self together.
We don't work.
I need to fight whatever this is.

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