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(Hermiones POV)

It was my first day back at Hogwarts after the war I was sat In a compartment by myself as after the war Ron and Harry decided that they wanted to go into auror training they said it would be more useful way of using there time, personally I thought it was stupid because education I so important.
I was soon dragged out of my thought when I heard someone speaking to me.
I looked at who was speaking and i saw his little iconic smirk and platinum blonde hair.
"Malfoy, what do you want?" I spat as I was quite annoyed to see him.
"Well I just wanted to let you know your in my compartment but as weasel and scar head ain't here as long as you keep you mouth shut I will let you stay."
He said in his usual tone which annoyed me even more.I just rolled my eyes at his comment but didn't bother to engage into an argument with him.
He walked in and sat down opposite me and I could just feel him staring at me.

(Dracos POV)

She was sat there just looking out the window and I couldn't help but notice that her once bushy hair was now tamed and she was wearing the slightest bit of make up.
If I didn't find her completely and utterly insufferable she wasn't half bad after a while she noticed me looking at her and I could tell it made her uncomfortable as she fidgeted under my gaze.
"What you staring at Malfoy?"
She said finally looking at me.
"I guess you know the new law?" I said deciding to ignore her question.
The new law is anyone that was a death eater in the war had to be monitored or paired with someone I thought it was stupid but anyone that does follow the rule will be punished.
" Of course I know the law and I just hope I'm not put with someone like you."
" Why!?" I raised my voice " because Malfoy your a horrible person who let many people die!"
She stood up getting ready to walk off but I was not having it
" Listen hear mudbl...." I stopped and I couldn't say it I don't know why I had said it to her many times before why couldn't I say it now.
She looked at me half taken back and half angry.
" Go on Malfoy say it!" She started walking towards me and I was lucky she left her wand on the seat otherwise she would of probably hexed me right there and then
"Say it!!" Tears were swelling in her eyes and I could see she was fighting them back.
" I didn't have a choice you know, I did what I had to do to keep me and my family safe nothing you haven't done!but I'm sorry ok."

(Hermiones POV)

He's what. Did he just say sorry. I looked at him and I could see he meant it I could see he was hurting and he was right I had done horrible thing to protect my friends and family, but that doesnt change the fact he is a death eater he was still horrible to me whenever he got the chance.
"You know Granger I've changed." He said calmly
"Can you not do that I don't like you knowing what I'm thinking."
I said it as blunt as possible trying to stop the conversation as quickly as possible.

The rest of the journey was silent but it wasn't awkward I'd glance over at him every now and then and trying not thinking about him as much possible as I know he was probably looking around in my head.

(Great Hall)

We sat down in our houses and it was nice to see everyone again I sat next to Ginny Weasley who I had become very close with over the break she was now dating Harry I don't think Ron liked it at first but he go over it.
And as for me and Ron well we are just friends I went over what happened last year and I think it was just an in the moment thing.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't notice McGonagall who was our new headmistress talking.
"Hello? Hermione. did you not hear McGonagall? she want you and Draco in her office."
That soon brought me out of my head I had started to panic so I grabbed my stuff without even replying and made my way to her office.

"Hello Ms Granger, Mr Malfoy please take a seat." She said from behind her desk and I took my seat I hadn't even realised Malfoy was here until she said his name.
"You both know the new law which states that ex-death eaters have to be paired for a year to be monitored."
"Yes but what does that Have to do with me?" I asked but I had already expected what she was going to say, but it didn't mean it didn't take me by surprise.
"Well Ms Granger you have been asked to monitor Mr Malfoy obviously you can say no but as his family played a big roll in the war this is his only chance otherwise he will be sent to Azkaban. If you decide to take on this role you or Mr Malfoy will have to move house," I looked ay Malfoy and he looked at me both with shocked expressions on our face.
"And why is that exactly?" Malfoy questioned.
" Because if Ms Granger chooses to do this you will have to be withing twenty meters of each other."
Wow my year is getting better I could always leave him and he would be sent to Azkaban but then I remembered the sincerity of how he told be he had changed.
We was all sat in silence Draco looking at me and McGonagall studying both of us she was first to break the silence and say," there will be a trial at the end of the year to see if it has worked and Mr Malfoy can be in the society without causing harm to anyone."

" I will do it but we will have discuss who will be moving house."
I said looking at McGonagall for the first half and Draco for the second he did not look at me for long before saying, " will that be all?"
"Yes you may go."

We walked out I was trying my hardest to get away form him but he was faster and stepped right Infront of me blocking my path he looked directly at me with his signature smirk.
"Before you say anything Malfoy no I did not do this to spend time with you."
I said it but something about him just intrigued me.
"Bullshit" was all he said leaning closer to me making me step back, " I know thats a lie Granger, we both know that's a lie."
Our faces were inches apart and he kept stepping forward and I was stepping back until I was stopped by a wall " shit, when was there a wall there!" I said in my head but the annoyance must have reached my face because his smirk increased making him chuckle a little.
"Whatever you say Malfoy!" I said trying to get my composure but it didn't go to plan
"Granger you can't deny it forever." His hand where just above my shoulders I could have got my wand but I didn't want to.
I could of got under his arm but I didn't want to.
Why didn't I want to get away from him.
"Oh go fuck yourself Malfoy!" I said right into his face, his face droped but the he lent in I could feel his breath on my skin he whispered in my ear in a low voice,"why would I do that when I have you?" With that before I even realised he was gone and the warmth that once surrounded me was gone.

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