Chapter 27

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Robin froze with fear. She saw the thing run towards her, but no matter how much she wanted, she couldn't move. She could hear it growl. Then she felt its breath on her face. Then she heard a scream and a grunt.

Robin opened her eyes, not realizing she had shut them. She saw the thing on the ground, dead. After that she noticed Hook. He put his sword back into its place. She dropped her jaw. "Aren't you glad I came back in time" Hook grinned as he held up the mushroom. Robin gasped when she realized what it was. "The first ingredient!" she whispered excited as she came closer to take a better look at it. "We have to keep moving" Hook said as he put it in his bag. Robin agreed. "What's the next ingredient?" she asked. "You're never going to believe it" Hook sighed. When Robin tilted her head he continued: "we need to get into the Infinite Maze to get a liquid that is stored there in a hidden Teapot"
Robin tried not to laugh. Only in Wonderland, she thought. "We can't waste a minute" Hook said as he led them towards the Infinite Maze.

It took them three days to reach the cottage. There weren't any more attacks, which was a relief to both of them. "Are you sure?" Robin frowned at Hook's certainty. He nodded. "For Alice" he added as he took a bite of the apple. Robin took it from him and followed his example. A few moments later they shrunk into a small size. Now they could enter the Infinite Maze through the door.

The Maze itself was full of danger. It was hard to find the place where the Tea Parties were held. They didn't sleep at night. They were afraid some monster would appear. In daylight they both slept four ours while the other was awake.

Eventually they found the place. Robin's heart started pounding in her chest. This was the place where the love of her life used to be all the time. She missed her so much. She held back tears as they searched for the potion they came for. "Do you think Alice was happy?" Hook suddenly asked a few hours later, pointing at the long table. It looked like the party could start any minute. The tea was actually hot. "I don't know" Robin sighed as she looked around the room. "It does look pretty lonely here, I mean, when you know you can't be with the people you love" she concluded and continued her search.

After sleeping for a while and eating and drinking tea, they continued their search. Still feeling sleepy, Robin noticed something unusual. "What's this?" she asked herself as she lifted a wooden box. It was way too small ti contain a teapot, yet she opened it anyways. "Is this it?" Robin asked as she took out a little teapot. It was the size of a toy. "It must be" Hook jumped over the table and opened the lit. Then he smelled it and nodded. "Must be. Must be" he repeated. Robin smiled. "That's two!" she exclaimed. Hook put it in his bag and pulled out the spell. "What else?" Robin asked. "The hardest ingredient of all. We have to break into the heaviest guarded castle since Rumplestiltskin and the Evil Queen left the Enchanted Forest to find Magical herbs"

Robin dropped her jaw. "And how do you think we can do that?"
"Because I have some friends who can help us"
And with that they left Wonderland and returned to the Enchanted Forest to prepare themselves for the greatest break in of their lives.

As promised; a new chapter! I hope you like it and i'll try to upload soon.
Also, sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in this chapters, i wrote this at midnight on my phone :(

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