Chapter 21

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Detective Rogers POV:

I had to turn on my flashlight and I felt like I had never seen darkness like this before in my life. As I searched the basement I heard something. I knew it wasn't a voice. But something was going on down here. The basement looked like a regular basement, so that wasn't really suspicious. There had to be something, right?

Finally I found it. It was a door, smaller than normal ones. It was closed. And locked. All I could do was kick the door in. But if he was here, he'd definitely hear me. And if Tilly of Magot was here, I didn't know what he'd do to them. So I had to figure out another way. 

''Bloody hell'' I whispered and smiled. Tilly was a smart girl. I knew how I had to open the door, I just didn't know if I had the equipment to do so. But Tilly left me a present, like she knew what was going to happen. She left her hairpin in my pocket. I knew I could do this. 

It look me just a minute to open the door. I looked around. I heard someone breathe. It was Margot. I ran to her, as quiet as possible. She sat on the ground. Her hands and feet were tied up. ''Margot?'' I called out her name, whispering. She didn't say a word. She was unconscious. I freed her hands and feet and tried to wake her up. I noticed her wounds. It was bad. She needed a hospital. I felt conflicted. What was I supposed to do? Bring her to a hospital or search for Tilly? I couldn't call an ambulance, because Nick would hear the siren. I needed to save what I could save. I lifted Margot and went back upstairs. Lucky for me, there was still no one around. The hospital wasn't that far. I had no time to hesitate, for Margot and Tilly's sake. 

Margot was in safe hands. The staff of the hospital helped me immediately and I knew she was gonna make it. I ran back. I tried to call Weaver, but he didn't answer. No one at the Police department responded. I guess I had to do this on my own. I hoped I wasn't too late. 

I took my flashlight again. I searched the basement. Was there another door I didn't see? I had checked everything three times. There had to be something. I didn't want to make any noise. ''Screw this'' I whispered to myself and moved some random furniture. I found a hatch in the ground. I didn't take a second to think what I might find down there. I didn't care. I had to find Tilly. I walked downstairs and was shocked to see what I found...

Sorry it took so long to update again : (

At least I know where I'm going with this story now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to upload within a week again! 

Stay safe : )

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