The First Meet

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I boarded the flight after the security check and seated myself in the first class cabin. I'm on work behalf of my company travelling across few countries, now it's time to Los Angles finishing my job in London. I was one of the first persons to enter the plane, I placed my bags, sat comfortably and started reading my book which I left in between. The first class was not yet filled including the seat beside me, the passengers where coming in one by one. I was drowned into my book when a crew came in and one of the men from the group took the seat near me. Others were behind my seat.

I was still into the book. Suddenly I heard chats in a language which I don't know but I used to. Heading up in an instant, I was shook by seeing the man beside me.

I whispered to myself "Oppa", not blinking my eyes and looked around.


I thought to myself not showing my emotions louder "WTF is happening? Are they upto LA for concert?"

Suga. Yah it's god damn suga who was sitting right next to me. Unbelievable. But have to believe it. It was him. But you all know about him. He didn't give a shit about me. Not even considering that a living creature is sitting beside him.
He fixed his seatbelt. Put on his headphones and took out a book. I was satisfied atleast he doesn't sleep😒
Time went by, the members slept as they were tired, suga was still reading. I think he must be tired too, so he paused reading, stretched his hands, rotated his heads, and.....turned on my side.

I noticed him, but not brave enough to look at him. He bowed his head to know what the book's title was. I closed the book and showed him the cover with a smile.

He smiled back(I was internally Dead).
Him : Little Women - What the book is about?

Like Seriously? He was more concerned about the book than me. Not even asking what my name was. Besides his English was so cute.

Me: It's a story of four sisters and their Life- based on a real story...Op (Oppa? I supposed to call him like that? Can I show him that I'm an army too...I feel awkward right now...I swallowed the word and finished) , Sir!!

He nodded his head and he looked confused looking like "doesn't she know not me??" Kind of.

I looked at his book. He showed it's cover. This man...God!! How can I read Korean?? He might be kidding me??!!

I went like : Sorry, I can't read...Korean

Him: Oh..How you know that's Korean??

Me: umm...'Cause you are Korean. Isn't it Korean?

Him: How do you know I'm Korean??

Me:( I got butterflies in my belly) Uhh...'Cause...

Him: 'Cause??

Me: (I said innocently) You are Suga ( I can't control myself but I managed somehow)

He couldn't control his smile too! so closer than ever...I saw his gummy smile. He smiled that much as his eyes closed, almost disappeared. He looked so charming.
Him: Hello! I'm Suga of BTS
He extended his hands to shake.

Me: (Glancing his hands) I'm .......... (y/N) Nice meeting you!

I held his hands and shook it. It was nice touching his hands. It was so soft and warm. But the feeling was gone in a moment. I wished it could last longer.

My inner self said - I'm going to spend the next 11 hours with BTS, especially with my bias Suga, sitting near me. Am I dreaming??

- To Be Continued....

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