They Won (Final)

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"One last time, please…” I’m on my knees in front of Dad and Mom with my messy hair and blood shot eyes. I was in my home to visit my family.

I’ve been wheezing and crying for over eighteen hours straight in my bedroom without having food, since the flash news announced that the band members are leaving for their service in four days. For the next two years, they will be out of public eyes, even their friends and family as they have to play their role as military men for their country.

“She is crazy, why she has to cry for a man who’s not even a blood relation to her. I swear he has done something on her. I was glad that people doesn’t come to know about their relationship, but now….Look what this girl is blabbering” My mom faced me “You won’t cry for us this way if we die, will you?”

“Mom…Please!” I wiped my tears “Let me meet him. For the last time. I just want to meet him as a fan, as an army, nothing more”

“Hey you…I can’t tolerate you anymore! Pssshhhh”

“Okay stop you ladies” My dad jumped in the scene “If she is determined to go, she might’ve gone already with him, or stayed with him. This is clear she believe us, respect us, and love us that’s why she request our permission to meet him. If I’ve brought her up in a wrong way, she would’ve flied already”

Dad called me in for a hug “I trust her” I hugged the first man of my life “You go girl. Go get your man”

I looked up his face surprised “Dad…Are you…Are you serious? Am I dreaming?”

“We were worried about you, little girl. After all, we are your parents and we has the right to worry about you. I don’t want my daughter to get cheated and regret her life. After he came after you he(re)…..” he stopped.

My mom gave him a death glare “You know it was him. So the man who came in search of his girlfriend, that…that..”

“Yoongi!” Mrs. Davis said.

“Ha…Yoongi is Suga!!??”

My dad nodded wrapping me in his warmth. 

“Why didn’t you tell us it was him?” Mom popped in anger.

“What would’ve you done if she told you? Fought with him, cursing him like he did a crime by loving your daughter, and creating a regretting situation for her, right?”

Mrs. Evan became quiet after that. It was a great relief for me as I was allowed to visit Korea, my dad has approved my love for him and all I fear is if I’ll be accepted by him, Suga.

I booked a flight to Seoul. In the meantime, when I was little happy, the incident happened when the Korean dispatch which stayed quiet for days, suddenly revealed the photo of Suga they took in London, with which the spy, the bastard once threatened me. When I was on the way of forgetting those bitter experience, fate started digging it out.

It seemed like he was going to get caught in a Dating scandal when people started checking possible information and trying to connect them – the photo of him leaving an apartment in London alone, the announcement of the album, his twit on valentine’s day, and at last sudden visit to Incheon Airport.

Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of this world. Nobody can. Single clue has the power to bring everything in light. In one way, the world react to what they know or on the other way, they pretend not knowing what they know, there’s no in between.

“Is BTS Suga dating?”

became the talk of the town.

Korean dispatch has done it in purpose to trick people. They liked to take revenge on me, but in low key they were leading the people to hate the pride of their nation.


The media has gathered near BigHit.

“It’s necessary to clear things, Yoongi-ah. Your fans are fuzzing over this” Bang Si-hyuk patted his back “Go on…”

Suga went before the table where Microphones were neatly arranged. The man who spits hundreds of syllabus in a minute while holding a black mic, stood their speechless unable to pick words to the questions of the reporters.

“Are you dating Suga-ssi?”

“No…I’m not. Not now” He trembled.

“What about the picture you posted on twitter? Wasn’t that your girlfriend?”

“It’s not what you think. The hands…’s not mine” He lied.

“The Korean dispatch?”

“I don’t like to talk about that! Next question please..”

The camera flashed on his face continuously and they noted his words. As soon as the meet ended, Suga went in with anger lingering on his face. It’s a combination of agony and pain. The words of that pale, short haired reporter – still echoed in his ears,

“Do you Love someone? Are you in Love?”

All he could answer was – “I don’t” He remembered how her face came before his eyes and reminded the moments he spent with her for a short while. He wished she could be with him again as he replied “I don’t know what Love is”

I landed Seoul on the day of their departure. For the first time since I left him in Seoul, I called him. My heart was craving to meet him, to look at him, even he curse on me I’ll happy to hear those words.
He didn’t pick the call – as I expected.

I went to his –HIS Home (how hard it is to say) but he was not there. There was no useful information I can get from the guard so I decided to check in BigHit. The staffs told me the whole gang headed to send their hyungs off in a private plane. I requested them to drop me there.
I ran like never before inside the General Aviation Ramp (where private jets will take off and land) when I reached there. But it’s not easier to enter it, as we need a special permit. The security guards stopped me in the entrance.

A crew of people came towards the entrance from the boarding area.

“Y/N ??” 

“Taehyung-ssi??” I looked at him with my watery eyes.

“You came to meet Hyung?”

The boys looked at each other expressing their shock. I nodded slowly.

“I’m Sorry. But…He just Left” Tae Gulped.

“Oh…” I smiled “It’s okay”

So, This was my Life. A tornado took away my Heart, my Mind and Soul and left me bare – worthless being. It’s been three months since he went away and there’s no news of him. And I’ve been threatened by the Dispatch that my details will be revealed sooner or later, if I won’t pay them the price to keep it a secret, though I restricted - my Parents are doing it without fail, not for me, but for Him.

Dear Diary,

Thank You for being with me. You are my Only Solace in these black and blank days of my Life. Miracles are supposed to happen in Fantasy Films, but in Reality it’s Different. I don’t have any Hope that things will change. But.,


“Y/N….Come down, Have your Lunch!” Mrs. Evan shouted.

She looked up from her Notebook.

“Yeah, Mom”

Placing the Pen on the page she has been writing, she left her room.
The rustling papers of her Diary – what’s it trying to say?

Though she did mistakes, do she really deserve this pain? That too all through her Life?

However you may try, You can’t decide your Life. The people around you, plans and designs it. You just move on their way. None can escape once caught in this Tornado, swirling inside their world.

At the End,

Society Wins!



------- THE END -------

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