I Knew You were Trouble

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I was not expecting to have a call that afternoon which would change everything.

"Hello, Dad! How are you?" I was excited as I recieved a call from my parents after so many days and planning to explain all that has happened meanwhile.

My smile faded to hear his grumpy voice. He continued "And it's not important if I'm good or not. Where are you now?"

A force created the natural fear inside me. Even though grown and was an adult, I'm still his child.

"Umm...I'm...I'm in my friend's home, Dad. Why? Is there any problem?"

"Your friend? I didn't know you have rich friends, and that too in South Korea! Oh dear, what made you fall for him? His looks? Or his money?"

I was dumbfound. Was that really my dad? What and of whom was he talking about? And how does he knows all these? I pretended not to understand anything though I did of everything he said.

"Dad, what's this?"

"Give me the phone" someone snatched it from my Dad
"I thought it was just a joke when you said you love those boys...what...the BTS, but I couldn't accept you kept running behind their back and flied all the way to Korea, 'cause of your hallucination! Are you with only one of them, or...."

"Mom...Shut up!" Tears rolled from my eyes without my consciousness.

"What...what did you just say? Tell this to your dad. Look, she shuts me up. I'm not ready to meet you again. Stop calling me Mom!! You get it?"

"I didn't mean it(wheeze).....Mom"

"I want you back home in two days. If not, declare yourself as an orphan  and stay for the whole life with that boy who has a poor and unstable life. Good bye!"

What the hell? Why am I the only one to suffer? What should I do now?

It's sad how my Life became a question mark.

When the worry of my parents seemed to be right, their act is not relatable to my Love for him, My Suga. And I'll never gonna forgive them for their accusations. I'm confused how to convey this to him, but I was sure he can understand my situation. Right at that moment, I felt crushed between the trust of him and my parents both has on me. In between these chaos, I'm more worried about the military enlistment this year.

Suga came home by evening as usual, after his work. I had to talk about the matters in my mind and clear it out as soon as possible.
Without taking much time, I approached him and inquired about the day for a casual start.

"Oppa...What happened to the enlistment? I read an article about it few days before" I broke it off.

"Yeah..We've been talking about it officially today. Jin Hyung and I has to serve for two years"

"Oh...Then you'll be leaving soon" I said with my eyes down. He nodded in silence and tried to move on to the next topic.

"So, have you choosen your outfit for Jin Hyung's wedding? What about of us going to shopping...when shal...."

I was out of this world still glancing down the floor.

"Hello!" He waved his hands in front of my face "Where are you?"

I gazed his eyes without any negligence this time and asked him with confidence "I know it's childish and immature to ask this, but (sigh)...Do you really wanna go to the Military? Or If there's any possibilities to cancel it?"

He was surprised, shocked but managed to come out with a smile on his face - "Why!? What? Ah...I have no idea. Let's not talk about it now"

"But I have to. If not now, then when can we discuss about it? It's important and means a lot to me then to yourself!"

"What's wrong? Why are you so serious now! I said let's not talk. Just leave this here.."

"My parents called me..Today! They asked..No..They ordered me to come back home" I said in a blank tone and with a clueless face.

"You must go then" He said in a swaggy careless tone. But this time, it was not a thing to admire, instead it killed me.

"Yah...I must go, right?" I smirked in pain "I must go" I headed to the stairs "I don't want to be a burden to you!"

"Wait...Why are you complicating matters? I just...couldn't get it"

"I'm going back home..to MY HOME...and never able to meet you again in my life. This is the matter. And thank you, I'll take it easy like you do"

I climbed the stairs to my room...(the room) and he followed me.

"What happened? Explain it clearly"

"I'm not in that mood"

"You are annoying today!"

"Right? All the best in forgetting and forgiving this annoying girl. I pray, Seriously, not to meet you again in my Life"

I was depressed and so much drowned in anxiety, I could not even realise why my words fell like that. And it was obvious by his bloodshot eyes that he was so angry and upset.

"What's your problem?" He groaned.

This time, to my regret, the words flowed which were dumped so long ago, emerged from my heart. My tongue gave life to it.

"It's not like problems came in, when you entered my Life. Mr. Suga, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!"

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