Heart of a Lion Cub

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My eyes were ready to sob but it's not the right time. The conference will commence in few minutes and have to go. He was so fresh as a bloomed flower and I guessed his scent may've fastened with me as I hugged him. No, as he hugged me. That's his responsibility this time, I'm out of the way. I moved a step back from him,

"Ouucch, your suit"

It was wrinkled a little bit. He looked down at his shirt.

"I've to make it in place. Your fans won't like to see their favorite suga oppa in a wrinkled suit" I tried my best to iron it with my hands and fixed his necktie.

"Perfect" I complimented myself checking him and was satisfied with my job. Then, looked up his face to ensure if everything's good for presenting himself on stage.

His hair- it seemed so soft and fluffy, I liked to ruffle it but I couldn't. The stylist has worked hard for that. His forehead was almost covered by his hair. His eyebrows were neatly trimmed. Those eyes.......just a feet away from his eyes, I was much closer this time. I couldn't handle his eyes at any moment. To escape those firing pupil, looking down, the nose was structured beautifully and I reached the lips. No, No...Don't look. I scanned his whole face in a second. I moved my eyes to his cheeks, it was so chubby and pink as I thought "Oppa...I like to squeeze them. I'm worried about your make up". Now, I can't help myself but laugh.

"What?" He asked me innocently.

"You are cute" I said and shut my mouth with both hands. What have you done, it's not your mobile screen. He's standing in front of you, idiot!"

"????????" He looked at me confused.


"Okay, I didn't hear anything, Ms. Y/N" (The gummy smile)

"I have to go. I'm leaving....See you later" I moved backwards. He raised his eyebrows.

"Sir, I'll be fired if they find me here"


"Yes sir, it's time for my job. And, I've learnt from someone that you should be serious when it comes to your work!!"

"Who's that someone?"

"Someone" I smiled shrugging my shoulders, bowed him and left the room.


Suga took his seat between Taehyung and Jin. BTS were allotted the first row in that great assembly Hall.

Tae : Suga hyung, she came? Did you proposed what's in your heart to her??

Suga : I did. But actually not. I believe I conveyed it well and hope she understood what I said. Still, I'm not sure and doubt if the way of expression is good enough for her to trust.

Taehyung turned towards Hoseok.

Tae : Hobi hyung, what he's saying? Can you understand?

J- Hope : Yes. But I don't. I guess I could understand if I try, but I won't. 'Cause I'm confused.

Tae : Why am I here??

Jin : There's a famous quote that says People who fell in love won't behave like themselves, you know?

Jungkook : Look who's telling that!!

The boys giggled. What a great start for a youth conference.


This year, it was planned that all seven members were to present in english so all of them were nervous along with the leader, especially Taehyung. They were sincerely going through the papers. I stood near the first row, when Jimin gently pulled my sleeves to get attention. I bent down,

"When is our turn?" he asked me.

"It's us next" I whispered "Are you nervous Jiminssi?"

"Is it obvious?"

Suga and others noticed us having a conversation. They all moved a bit closer to hear my words.

"There's nothing to panic. You've faced millions and there are only hundreds here. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the crowd as our Army. Stay calm and read it slowly. That's it, Oppa...Let's get it, Fighting!!"

They nodded at me with a smile. Their turn came and Namjoon began the speech. It was suga who has to finish the speech, before taking over the mic, he glanced the audience slowly turning towards me who was standing beside the stage, he turned his watch, fixed it in the right place and held it tight with his right hand.

I whispered "Kaeppjang!!" with my thumbs up. He smiled and looked down the floor to hide it. He then spoke. Holding the paper in his hands, his eyes fixed on the audience, with utmost boldness, in a foreign language, his voice sounded like a lion's roar!! His speech was the one guiding the youth to work hard, to be smart also to stay savage, and reminding the worth of time. When they finished their speech, I was about to scream....

"Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min...."

Stay calm. Stay calm. I was extremely proud of them. It was break time when I went out to have coffee, The boys were discussing in a circle. Even I can't totally understand, it's clear what they are saying and Yoongi.... his gummy smile with the vibes of achievement, the glow in his face when his heart is filled, I thought - though he is a grown young man, he's still a kid who enjoys every little moment, whose happiness has no limits when he completes his work properly to his satisfaction. It was so surprising to see the personality change in him - from a cool young man to a serious idol to a tender kid. Usually we see him as a little meow meow kitty, when he's secretly a lion. Well, both belongs to the same family!!

When I stood there fascinated and wondering his heart, he suddenly noticed me and muttered


-To be continued

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