💧 Let it out 💧

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Ship: Sake

Type: Angst & Fluff

(Sean's P.O.V.)

"And then after that I just started to song write! I'm still kinda learning how to make beats for my songs..."

"Thats so cool Jake! If you want I can teach you how to make a nice beat for your song"

"Really Sean? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course! Anything for family"

Jake and I were staying after school, I was staying because I was cleaning the music room to stay as long as I can before I have to go home to my parents arguing, and Jake told me he just wanted to stay behind to spend some time with me.

"Hey Sean?"


"Did you ever get bullied for being a DJ?"

"No....? Well, other than Drew and the others then no"


Somethings wrong

"Jake are you okay?" I ask


"Don't give me "I'm fine" Jake, I can tell somethings wrong" I put Mr. Broom down

"........." Jake looks at the ground

"Jake.....i'm your friend, not even that, i'm your family. You can tell me anything" I put a hand on Jake's shoulder

Jake stays silent, I let out a sigh

"Just...........let it out"

Jake drops the rag on the floor, he leans foward a bit, then he completely falls foward as I catch him and hold him in a embrace. Jake begins to cry

"I-I'm so sorry Sean, for bullying you and the club, I'm so sorry!" Jake sobs on my shoulder

I pat his head and smile

"It's okay"

"N-No its not! I b-bullied you guys f-for the same reason p-people bullied me!" Jake hits my shoulder in intention to hurt me, but failed

"I w-want to hate you guys, I don't want you guys to give me a stupid sympathetic smile when I cry! B-but......."

"But..?" I ask

"I-I can't...." Jake brings his hand down and countines to cry on me

"Are you telling me the truth Jake? Or are you just trying to convince yourself that you want to hate us?" I ask still smiling

"N-N-No" Jake answers

"I thought so" I chuckle

We stay like that for a bit before Jake starts to calm down

"Jake.........just so you know........if you ever need a place to cry.......or someone to run to when life beats you down......I'm always here for you....even if you do something against us......even if you quit the club.........even if Hailey kicks you out.......I'm always right here.......ready to listen"



"Thank you"

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