💝 Anything for You 💝

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Ship: Jailey

Type: Angst & Fluff?

(Hailey's P.O.V.)

"Ughh!!!! Where is that simp!?" Zander groans

"Love...calm down...I'm sure he's just late like usual" Luke hugs Zander


Zander only really listens to Luke now since their dating, and like Zander said and Luke suggested. Jake is late. But the thing is he is even more late then usual.....it's a bit concerning......he should've been here 8 minutes ago if he was late normally...we hear running towards the music room and we are all suprised to see Henry burst the door open.

"Why are YOU here?! What do-" Zander gets cut off by Henry

"Theres some people-! Their bullying Jake-! We need help-!" Henry was panting in between his words

"What!? Where are they?!" Milly exclaims

"F-follow me quick!" Henry starts running out into the hallway again as we follow him

We run outside the back school doors and head to the back of the school, we turn a corner to find Jake on the ground crying silently with a guy infront of him while Drew and Liam are being held back by 2 other guys.

"I'm sorry. But what gives you the right to bully our friends?" I ask sternly

Drew and Liam turn their heads in surprise as the other guy comes up infront of me, he looked intimidating, but I kept my ground

"Well you see, this freak here wants to be a singer. He's been dreaming about it ever since kindergarten, maybe even before. He had the courage to tell the whole class. And even after we told him he will never achieve his goal, he STILL joined the music club here and kept singing so, I thoughts I would drop by and you know..........give him a reminder of what he really is."

This guy is starting to piss me off......

"Well, I think you've done enough damage. So why don't you run along home?" Sean puts a hand on my shoulder

"Why should I? You know I could've taken this a lot farther, but since I'm nice I didn't, but maybe I'll........show you what I can really do.." The guy started to reach his hand out to touch my shoulder

"Don't. Touch. Her." Zander slaps away his hand

"Fiesty I see, hmmmmm.......well..........maybe i'll go after.........HIM!" Before any of us could react the guy grabbed Luke's arm and pulled him

"Leave him alone!" Milly shouted

"I don't think I will......"

Luke had a straight face, but he was struggling to keep it. You could see he was afraid. You could see his fear.

"What are you going to do with him?" Zander asks sternly

Wrong move buddy.......

Zander is scary when he's mad, and it takes a lot of guts to harm Luke. Luke may be the one that threatens people for Zander, but Zander gives you the eye. It's a chilling sight to say the least....everyone knows that if you mess with one of them your dead, they might as well kill for eachother. But since this guy isn't from around here he'll have to deal with Zander.

"I don't know......I could take it to the next level......or I could simply leave him broken....either works for me.." The guy started to reached into his back pocket, but stopped halfway

He then proceeded to whisper in Luke's ear, Luke mumbled something that we couldn't quite hear......but we could tell whatever this guy was saying it was breaking Luke little by little. You could tell. Luke finally broke when a tear rolled down his cheek. You could feel Zander's anger. It was intense.

"I'm sorry, but you don't belong here."


"Who-" the guy couldn't finish when he got knocked in the head

He pushed Luke forward attempting to hurt him, but Zander caught Luke as he comforted his lover wiping his tears away.

When the guy got pulled back it revealed Stacy, Daisy, and Elliot

"Let. Them. Go." Stacy glared at the guy holding Drew and Liam

"I don't take orders from you." The guy holding Drew glared back

"Did I give you a choice?" Stacy's glare intensified

The 2 other guys got scared and immediately let Drew and Liam go as they rushed to Jake who seemed froze

"Your outnumbered. Leave." Daisy looked at the main guy straight in the eyes

The guy sighed and started to walk away with his friends following, once they were gone I rushed over to Jake

"Jake! Are you ok!?"

Jake didn't seem to hear me, he was still crying silently while looking at the ground. I followed his eyesight to find his signature necklace broken in 5 pieces on the grass.

"Jake.....?" I ask

Silence. Nobody talked. Nobody moved. I looked over to Stacy, Drew, Liam, and Henry. They were all utterly shocked. But the question that lingered for me, Luke, Zander, Sean, Milly, Daisy, and Elliot was..........why?

"I'm going to kill those bastards. I'll-" Drew was cut off by Stacy hugging him

"You can do that later hun.......right now......."

When did they start dating? Not the point......

"Jake are you okay?"

Jake didn't say anything he just hugged me and countined to cry.

"T-that necklace.......*hic* w-was the.....*hic*.....last thing....*sniff* g-g-given to me by my grandmother...*hic*" Jake sobbed into my chest as I realized why that necklace is so important

"Those assholes............I swear I'm going to kill those-!" Milly couldn't finish

"We'll kill them together please. I want them to have a taste of their own medicine.." Drew interrupts

"Jake......that guy who was h-holding me......he said that you told everyone in your kindergarten class you wanted to sing so........have you met them before?" Luke was hugging Zander for dear life as they sat on the ground, Zander ran his fingers through Luke's hair in attempt to calm him down

"Y-yeah, *sniff*......I knew them......*hic*......their s-some old *hic* bullies" Jake answered

Wait......it all makes sense now........the old bullies.....Jake looking down on us.......being called out for wanting to be a singer....

"I'll help kill them, if you don't mind." Zander interrupted my thoughts

Because they hurt Luke, man they're actually gonna die

"I'll come to" I sigh

"Jake before we track those jerks down, I want you to know something."

"Yeah?" Jake looks up at me as I smile

"We'll always be here for you, and if you want I can fix your necklace"

"Y-you'd really do that?"

"Of course, anything for you"

Author: I'm working on the requests to the people who requested. I hope you enjoyed some angst 🖤. I felt like writing some sad stuff soooooooo here ya go, anyway I better go to school see ya!

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