🥀 Hanahaki Disease 🥀

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Inspired by:Strxwberry_Sugxr

Ship: ❤ Jailey 💙
💜 Lander 🧡

Type: Angst? Fluff?

(Jakes P.O.V.)

I stopped singing and gave Luke the look, he looked at me terrified and nodded as I ran out with Luke behind me. We heard the band members ask where we were going, but we ignored them. I burst the door to the bathroom open then opened a stall and bent over the toilet and threw up, but this wasn't when you get sick or food poisoning oh no....this was much worse. The Hanahaki Disease.

"Jake are you okay?" Luke asks worriedly

"Yeah-" I threw up again

I felt the flower petals and thorns come up my throat along with blood as I spit them out, the toilet was nothing, but blood, thorns, and blue rose petals. I spit out the last of the flower tasting blood and flushed the toilet.

"Here" Luke handed me a little towel

"Thanks" I wipe my mouth and wash the towel off in the sink in silence with Luke

"You need to tell her" Luke says

"You know I can't, if I did.....if she rejects me then......I'll die" I look down and turn off the sink

"Luke! Jake!" I feel both Luke and me turn around to see Sean and Zander

"Why'd you run off like that?" Sean asks

"I had to much to eat and over did it" I plaster a fake smile on my face

"If you say so" Zander mumbles

I walk out of the restroom greeted by a giant hug from Hailey

"Jake! Oh my goodness! Are you alright? Luke! Are you ok to!?" Hailey hugged both of us tightly

"We're ok Hailey I promise" I say softly

That's a lie, for me atleast

"Alright, well....we better go to class now" Hailey let's go

I look at her features before looking away and blushing, her hair was a beatiful teal, her eyes were as black as the night, but had twinkles in them like stars, her smile was comforting, and her laugh made me want to collapse to my knees.

Haliey is the person I'm pining over.

~Next day~

I sing the lyrics for the band competition and I look over to Luke and see him holding back throw up

Oh no........

I urge him to go to the restroom, as I do he immediately drops his drumming sticks and covers his mouth bursting through the door.

"Luke!" Zander runs after him

Now Luke has the Hanahaki Disease.............my love for Hailey has been trying to kill me for about 2 weeks, but now.......Luke's love might also be the end for him.......the love he feels for Zander.

(Luke's P.O.V.)

I lean over the toilet and spit out................


Purple rose petals, thorns, and blood?

I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth, I let out a shaky breath.

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