❔ Do I love her? ❔

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Ship: Jilly
         Lander (tiny bit sorry trust me it adds to the plot)

Type: Fluff, Angst, and Lime (mention of making out)

(Jake's P.O.V.)

Finally! I'm going to prove Zander wrong by coming early to music practice, I walk infront of the door and...

"I can't help it!"


"Jake!? Out of all the people in the world!?"


"You two would make a nice couple Milly, a very energetic couple"

Wha!? Sean!

"I have to agree"


I feel my face heating up a bit, Milly? As a lover? She is very cute........and I could see......nevermind

I open the door and everyone jumps

"Hey guys!" I act like I heard nothing

"Your early after all" Zander raises an eyebrow

"I beat you at the bet Zander! You owe me 20 dollars!" I exclaim

Zander groans


"And you have to do the thing" I smirk at him

Zanders face flushes red, he looks at Luke

"Yeah?" Luke smiles staying clueless

"I-I'll tell you after school"

Milly leans in as I feel a little blush creep onto my face

"Whats the deal?"

"I made a bet that if I made it early to music practice, Zander has to pay me 20 dollars and make out with Luke" I whisper

Milly bursts out laughing

"C-Can I come see? " Milly giggles

"Duh" we giggle and look at the childhood friends

"Alright, we better practice" Hailey claps her hands

~After music practice~

"Alright, great work everybody. Let's pack up our things and get to class"

I was about to walk out the Music room

"Jake wait!"

I turn around and see Milly walking towards me

"Can I walk to class with you?"


Why am I stuttering?

We walk in silence, I didn't even notice Milly slowly trying to hold my hand. When I noticed this I held her hand and we intertwined our fingers together still not saying anything, I dropped Milly off to her class and started to walk to my class wondering

Do I have a crush on Milly? I mean........she's really nice, she has an admirable personality, she helps people out (only people she likes), and she is really cute....

I open the door to my class and sit down at my desk, I bring out my notebook and write the title the teacher gave us down,  but then go off in my own little world

But I like Daisy right? Like.........maybe I don't really love Daisy.......is it possible I love Milly? Hmmm.......

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