Dare 6: Chaos Erupts

211 4 77

Hi, Green again, well let's start

Kash saw this dare a few days ago and he has been preparing, so today he goes downstairs and calls everyone

Kash:..... GUYS!!!!!(in a megaphone)

Everyone runs out of their rooms and goes down stairs

Everyone but Green: What is it

Kash: So today we are combining 2 dares, Green you may speak

Green: Ok, so first the government bought my portal device for a lot of money so I was able to create this

Green is holding a little device, with an antenna a wheel and a lever

Green: So the first dare was by Withster_05 and it said that everyone needed to have different emotions for 2 dares. Speed you will be cheerful

Speed: Um ok-

Green spins the wheel and flicks the lever

Device: Speed's emotion has been changed to Cheerful

Green: Crystal SAD

Crystal: But I don't want to be sad :(

Green: You already are but I must keep you that way

Green does the thing again and Crystal is Sad

Green: Flare, Angry

Flare: Wait bu-

Green does it again


Green: Someone help, he is super effective and that is a stab move AHHH!!!

2 minutes of chasing later, Flare is worn out and Green has 28 burns in different spots

Green: Black is Kind


And again Green does it

Black: Green I did not want you to change my emotion however I forgive you

Green: Next Leaf shall be nervous

Leaf: Huh?-

And again

Leaf:...... (Thinking of ways things could go wrong)

Green: Lazuli will be a Coward

Lazuli: Wait WHA-

And again

Lazuli curled up on the floor

Lazuli: Why did you do that I can beat you Green

Green: Boo

Lazuli: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Lazuli runs outside behind a bush then back inside and she goes to Leaf

Green: Silvia will be moody

And it happens again

Silvia: Hmph

Green: And Pearl will be Lazy

Pearl: Wait what?

And it happens for the last time

Pearl: Silvia can you go get me a glass of water from the kitchen

Silvia: Get it yourself!

Pearl: But that's too much work :(

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