dare: 5 another different universe

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Hello again.

I am back here writing these things and I am still happy I get to write this, maybe I should start my own ask or dare with Eeveelution squad characters, but anyway I will start

Kash is in the kitchen eating lunch with everyone else then when he goes back to his room he checks his phone and it has a notification with another dare

Kash: Well, umm, Oh come on I thought I wouldn't need that multiverse traveler again

Kash sighed and went to get Green so they could rebuild the machine since they had taken it apart

Green: On it sir

Green rushes out the door and Kash follows

Green: I have the blueprints to rebuild the machine, who are we bringing here this time

Kash: This time is going to be more complicated because we have to go there

Green: So me and you are going there, ok, well we have to keep the portal open longer

Kash: No all of us are going there

Green: Well then I will have to make the portal bigger

Kash: We need to make the portal device small enough to carry so we can bring it with us

Green: Why do we need to do that?

Kash: In case we get lost and can't find the original portal

Green: Ok I can do that might take a week though so yeah

Kash: Can I help?

Green: I have too much energy I need to do this and get all of it out

Kash: Not sure that will drain your energy but ok

1 week later (7 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes, and 28 seconds since Green started)

Green bursts through the door

Green: I have finished it and I only have slightly less energy than before

Kash: Did you ever sleep?

Green: No

Green follow me, everyone

Everyone follows Green to the mountain and there is a giant curtain, Green pulls down the curtain and reveals a tiny ball

Green: Watch

Green grabs the ball and throws it then the ball turns into a portal then they notice a little watch like device and Green picks it up and puts it on. Green presses a button on the watch thing and the portal closes and the ball goes into his hand

Kash: Well I guess now I can say the dare, this dare is by Iiiiiiiijjj  and he dared us to either spend a day in his universe or the real universe

Speed: This is the real universe

Green: I know what you mean but I won't say it, guys in this "real" universe pokémon don't exist and we are going there

Kash: Instead there are humans and animals

Green presses buttons on his watch thing setting the destination then he throws the ball and a portal opens, and everyone walks in

In the real universe, a portal opens in the south pole and everyone is shivering except Lazuli and Flare

Speed: S-S-So c-c-c-cold

Lazuli: You guys are babies it's not that cold

Flare: It's cold but I am melting all the ice I step on and it feels like a heat force field around me, but I am a bit cold

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