stabby stab

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Hey guys I have returned also this is the GreatGreenSerperior writing this but Kashninja did edit the final result so yea anyway I will write this like the last one well not like the last one but I will write like Kash did so anyway let's MEW this (sorry)

Kash was laying in his room, working on his laptop when he remembered they had another dare. So he walks to the main room looking very tired, it had been a few weeks since the last dare not much had happened and he hadn't gotten sleep for a few days, not 2 weeks though just a few days.

Kash: Everyone we have another dare

Kash yelled out and slowly everyone left their rooms. Green was not tired at all at least he looked that way but everyone else was tired Green was the only not tired one

Green: So what is it

Lazuli: Can we make this quick

Kash: We can

Kash starts to whisper

Kash: Quick and painful

Speed: I don't like the sound of that

Kash: So guys this dare might- no will hurt, and the only one that is not allowed to do this is sunshine because I have some mon decency

Sunshine: Aye

Green: Ok I will take anything so WYNAUT

Speed: Can someone stop him

Kash: Well Green since you will take anything you will go first

Green: But what is the dare

Kash: Well @Iiiiiiiijjj dared me to see how much times everyone can be stabbed without killing you

Green: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh with what because two whole wall's of your room is covered in knives and swords

Kash: Well how about my Balisong

Green: Is this PayBack for me making those puns

Kash: I like puns too, but for them it could be revenge

Kash flips the balisong around expertly out of boredom

Green: Ok I am ready

Kash stabbed him once, then twice, then three times, then four and then- oh Green passed out.

Kash: Ok next

Crystal tries to run but kash zooms over and stabbed her three times and then she passed out

Speed: Wait all of us are doing it

Kash: All except Sunshine

Sunshine: Uhhh

Kash: Wait why is the kid still out here, Green can you- oh yeah

Speed: Come on Sunshine

Then Sunshine leaves and pearl uses amnesia so Sunshine forgets what she saw

Kash: Ok Speed next

Kash walks up to Speed and is about to stab him when the blade is frozen

Lazuli: NO!

Kash: Do you want to be next

Leaf: No!

Kash: You?

Flare: No!

Kash: well then Speed

So Kash stabs Speed 5 times then he passes out

Lazuli runs over to Speed

Lazuli: NO!!! Speed, there is something I haven't told you and it is that I Lo-

Kash: You do know he has a healing factor right? And even if I did kill him, his soul is attached to the earth so he would just be reborn.


Speed: Lazuli why are you holding me?

Lazuli: Uhhhhhhhh

Speed: I mean I was hurt but I am fine now.

Kash: So next Flare

Leaf pulls a vine from outside and grabs the knife and puts it in kash

The knife comes out and Kash is fine

Leaf: Do you also have a healing factor?

Kash: No but you missed

Leaf: Oh

Kash grabs her sword and stabbed Flare three times and Flare fainted

Leaf: No!!

Kash: Do you want to be next, Flare isn't dead, ok I get it you guys have love and honestly it's entertaining but you keep shouting NO! At me when someone else decided the dare so stop yelling NO! NO! At me ok, ok.

Pearl: So who is next?

Kash: You

Pearl: Well I can't stop you so-

Pearl was stabbed four times

Kash next Black

Black: Meh just stab me

Kash: Thank you no complaints

Black: Pearl didn't complain eith-

It took three hits and Black fainted

Kash: Next Leaf

Again the Blade is frozen


Lazuli: NO!! Leaf doesn't have a healing factor

Kash: You only complaint about Speed and Leaf

Lazuli: Leaf is my sister and Speed is the boy I like wait did I just-

Speed wasn't paying attention but he heard his name so didn't hear her say he was the boy she likes but he heard her say his name

Speed: Wait what? Were you talking to me?

Lazuli: Nothing

Speed: Oh ok

Kash: You can't deny it, it will happen eventually.

Kash then stabbed Leaf three times and Leaf faints

Lazuli almost passes out as well but she keeps herself awake

Kash: Ok your turn Lazuli

Speed: I don't really feel right about this

Kash: Oh I already did

Kash stabbed her 4 times and she passed out

Kash: Ok now Silvia. Silvia?

Kash forgot Silvia was in town but she would be coming back soon. The door opens and Silvia looks and gets the wrong message

Silvia: I'm ba-

Silvia looks and sees Kash holding a bloody Balisong and everyone passed out on the ground with blood everywhere

Silvia: Yo-You killed everyone

Kash: First they aren't dead, Second it was for a dare, Third it is your turn

Silvia: No-

Kash stabbed Silvia four times and she fainted

Kash: Well my turn

Kash stabbed himself five times and falls over

Speed: I'll go get some Max Revives

Hey guys we are finished I just want to say I had fun working on something from one of my favorite wattpad creators of you haven't followed him you definitely should and you could follow me. Just kidding you do what you want but do follow him Kashninja follow Kashninja please he really deserves it so yeah if you have any other dares or asks just give me them ok bye.

Ok so this is kash now so i would like to say thanks to liiiiij for the dare and thank you green for writing this great chapter for me now I can get some rest but also I would like too say leave all of ur dares in the comments because we need more

but jesus christ I went on a fuc- fricking massacre

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