dare three:

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Hi so for this chapter both me and green teamed up and wrote this because we are friends now and also we just wanna have fun. So yeah once again props to green for helping me, but when we team up we should be able to get this done twice as fast which would be nice but anyways

Kash was laying in bed typing away furiously when his phone emitted a little ding so he stopped typing for a second and checked his notifications, and low and behold it was a dare :I dare everyone to confess who they like

Kash: well this is gonna be a blushing disaster

He grabs his new balisong because the old one wasn't salvageable after lazuli attacked it with ice and walks out of his room to find green sitting on a sofa watching videos on his laptop

Kash walks over to the middle of the room and yells out


Slowly everyone makes their way to the room and they all look tired once again when everybody is there green asks a great question

Green: what is the dare?

Kash: well the dare is from GreatGreenSerperior and-

Green: WHAT

Kash: don't break the fourth wall!

Green: ok fine

Kash:ok so this dare is from GreatGreenSerperior and it is 'I dare everybody to confess who they like' well I am to lonely to like anybody so thats me

Chrystal: I don't have a crush either

Lazuli: neither do-

Speed: I-I l-like l-l-lazuli *he is blushing really really bad

Lazuli:w-w-wait what?

Speed: I have a c-crush on you, lazuli

lazuli:I-uh-I Like you t-too speed *thinks: INTERNAL SCREAMING*

Speed:oh good um so what no-

Lazuli hugs speed really tightly so tightly in fact that his spine is getting turned into jelly

Speed: *gasp* this is nice- but I can barely breath

Lazuli loosens her grip a little bit but she still doesnt let him go

Kash: So uh now we will do Leaf next *starts flipping his balisong in boredom*


Flare thinks to himself "Please be me, Please be me, Please be me"

Leaf: Uhh Flare

Flare thinks "Is it me"

Leaf: I uh sorta like you, a lot and

Flare thinks "WOOHOO IT'S ME!! YES!!" But he just is looking forward at Leaf nodding when she said his name

Leaf: So yeah and I have felt that way for a long ti-

Flare just runs over and hugs Leaf then tackle hugs her

Leaf blushes so hard she became a flaming tomato.

Flare opens his eyes and almost thinks he tackled a flareon with leaves everywhere

Kash: again I say a blushing disaster

Green: Yup

Leaf and Flare smiling at each other look at Kash

Flare: I would have said Leaf so yeah

Green: And now Black if I am correct

Black: Uhh well I don't have a cru-

Pearl reads Black's mind

Pearl: He is lying

Pearl thinks "It isn't me"

Black: Umm

Silvia: So who is it Black?

Black looks at Silvia and starts talking

Black: Silvia, it is you

Silvia did not expect for him to say her but she giggled and looked back at him

Silvia: Well that's nice thanks Black

Silvia hugs Black with her ribbons but then looks at Speed

Silvia: But-

Black: Oh it's fine I was just joking anyway

Silvia: I know you weren't but it's ok Black

Green: So did Silvia accept Black or Deny him?

Kash: I honestly don't know

Green: Well are we done?

Kash: What about you Green?

Green: Oh me, I don't really have a crush on anybody

Pearl reads his mind

Pearl: Are you lying?

Green: Well I like someone just no one here at the tree house.

Kash: Well who?

Green: Not importa-

Pearl: Someone named Jessica (writers note this is not the person's real name)

Green: Well ok you know now can we go-

Pearl: I can teleport her to here

Green: How?

Pearl: Well from reading your mind I can see her last name a

nd first name I also know what pokemon they are because I am reading your mind.

Green: Wait you can do tha-

Pearl: I can but I won't because it will just be teleporting a random stranger getting told someone likes them and teleporting away so I won't do that

Pearl: I used to have a crush on Black but everyone already knows that.

Hey guys me and Kashninja had a lot of fun working on this chapter it is different going to 2 chapters a day for some people but when 2 people are working on it it (most of the time) goes faster so yeah,yay we are done now imma go take a nap, just kidding I cant get sleep because i work too hard lmao

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