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Jaelyn Wittemore loved the first day of school. Some people dreaded waking up so early and having to slip back into the academic routine.

Not Jaelyn, school was a good place for her. Everyone worshiped her impeccable style and all around beauty, which made the actual learning part worth it.

Jaelyn stood in front of a floor length mirror smoothing her outfit and checking to make sure her hair was behaving. The blonde smiled at her reflection, she knew she was beautiful and didn't need anyone to tell her that.

Some people might think of this as arrogant, though Jaelyn just viewed it as a high self-esteem.

She ran her hands over the ruffles on the tank she wore. It was one of those perfect first day of school outfits, the kind you wear especially to impress those around you. Satisfied with her look Jaelyn turned, grabbing her bag from the door and heading downstairs. There her brother, Jackson, waited for her, leaning against the kitchen counter drinking a protein shake.

"How can you stomach that, those things are disgusting," Jaelyn said. She opened the fridge reaching for an orange. Jackson rolled his eyes.

"I stomach it because it's going to make me a champion lacrosse player," He said tipping the glass up and finishing off the remainder of the shake. Jaelyn gagged. It would be quite the surprise to Jackson when he realized that lacrosse players weren't really all the rage outside of Beacon, and professional lacrosse most likely wouldn't satisfy his enormous ego.

"Can we go now, the sooner we get to school the sooner I can put at least 200 feet between us."

Jackson tossed his cup into the sink turning to grab his keys from the hook. If it were up to Jaelyn they would have taken separate cars, Jackson Porsche is tiny and she hated not having any leg room. Mostly because being scrunched up could wrinkle her outfit.

The drive to the school was silent with Jaelyn ignoring every move Jackson made by starring aimlessly out the window. Though Jaelyn couldn't ignore that Jackson had looked in the mirror at his hair every five seconds. The girl had just chuckled internally at her brothers actions. Jaelyn didn't need to check her hair or makeup to know she looked good, that was just a given.

They pulled up to the school and parked.

"Hey are you coming to lacrosse tryouts after school?"

"And why would I want to do that," Jaelyn asked, "what could possible be fun about sitting on hard metal bleachers watching you run around in the grass for two hours." It wasn't that Jaelyn didn't like lacrosse, because really she did, she just didn't like watching her brother march around with that stupid look of pride on his face every time he scored a goal.

"Suet yourself, have fun studying in the library or something," Jackson said. He got out slamming the door behind him.

Jaelyn signed knowing that in the end she'd probably end up at the tryouts.
Walking up the sidewalk she saw Lydia Martin waiting for her, her red locks whipping around her face.

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