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It's official, the animal population of Beacon Hills hates Jaelyn Wittemore.

Jaelyn realizes this statement probably sounds insane. But when you nearly run over a herd of deer then actually run over a dog the very next night, you have to wonder.

It was a couple hours after school, Jaelyn went to Macy's for a bit to find a new outfit for the party on Friday. Everything had gone smoothly, with the exception of a group of boys asking to butter her muffin, what even with the Mean Girls reference.

She was out of the store around eight and heading down the same road she'd spotted the man the night before.
It was dark and raining agin, so maybe she had that to blame for her accidents.

Suddenly she was skidding across the road, the steering wheel flying around from under her. It was to late to try and regain control so she pressed her foot hard into the breaks making a obnoxious squeak. Then another sound followed, the unmistakable thud of hitting an object. Jaelyn began to breath hard and her knuckles turned white from gripping the wheel. She closed her eyes praying, please let it be road kill, please. Stepping out of the car Jaelyn made her way to the hood. As soon as she got there it was clear that what she hit wasn't road kill and was possible still alive.

Little flickers of movement came from the animal and she bent down getting a closer look. She shrieked when she saw it was a dog, cupping her hands to her mouth and desperately trying to control the tears ready to fall. Slowly she moved her arms around the dog, whom was quite large, carrying him to the trunk of her car. Really she had no idea what to do once she got the dog in the trunk. All she knew was that she had to hurry because standing out in the rain like this loading what could possible resemble a dead boy into your car, was a bit shady.

Jaelyn lifted the dog into the trunk closing the door then heading to the drivers side. She started her car pulling steadily from the side of the road, making sure to keep her eyes peeled for any other animals she could be a liability to.

Jaelyn remember that there was a vet clinic not far from here. When she was seven her parents got her a dog for Christmas. The dog, named Gucci, was always going to the clinic because of ear infections. Eventually Gucci ran away, obviously fed up with her owners who couldn't figure out what the hell was up with her ears.

Jaelyn arrived at the vet clinic, panic running through her once she saw that the sign on the door was flipped to closed. She decided to go look in anyways, the light was still on. Jaelyn's blonde locks were now falling in wet clumps around here face and the purple tank top she wore was clinging to her skin.

"Hey," Jaelyn yelled desperately pounding on the door. Relief filled her when she noticed a boy standing in the office. Though this relief didn't last long because the boy was cute lacrosse kid from home room, Jaelyn really should get better at nicknames.

He walked over pushing the door open, and for a moment they just stood their frozen in time their eyes locked together. It didn't take long for Jaelyn to snap back to reality realizing there was bigger problems then her crush on the mystery boy.

"I'm so sorry, I am so sorry I didn't see it," she said, not realizing that tears were falling down her face.

"Really I just couldn't control the car and I was swerving and I didn't the dog-" the boy cut her off ending her babbling sobs.

"It's alright, it's alright," he soothed, "do you remember where it happened so I can send animal control to find it," He ask. She wondered how he could be so calm when she was practically falling apart.

"No, well I know where I hit It but um," Jaelyn paused suddenly aware of how stupid she was about to sound, "the dog is in my car."

Jaelyn walked outside with the boy opening her trunk to a very upset dog. It began to bark startling Jaelyn and causing her to jump backwards. The boy caught her resting his hand on her arm.

"It's ok, she's just frightened."

"That makes two of us." Jaelyn said still quivering. The boy crouched down soothing the dog enough to safely transport it inside to a room in the back.

It was attractive, a guy who was kind and good with animals. Jaelyn stood next to the boy as he began to examen the dog.

"I think her leg is broken," Jaelyn wanted to cry agin, "I've seen the doctor do plenty of splints I can do it myself and then give her a painkiller for now." The boy turned around noticing Jaelyn's clinging tank top and the way her arms were trembling.

"I have a shirt in my bag," he said reaching for It.

"Oh no I don't want to trouble you-" he just smiled handing her the shirt.

"Here." Jaelyn smiled back turning and walking to a space in the back were she was able to chance out of her wet top. The boy was looking at her as she changed, not in a creepy stalker way, but he had just never been this close to a girl like Jaelyn Whittemore before.

When Jaelyn came back in the boy was creating a splint for the dogs leg. In the little corner were she changed she had a moment to realize how ridiculous she'd been acting. Even as a child when Jackson would sneak into her room and rip the heads off her Barbie dolls she would just suck it up, turn around, and kick him straight in the shins.

"Thanks for doing this, I feel like such an idiot."

"How come," the boy asked.

"Because I freaked out and I started crying," she said fidgeting uncomfortably.

"What wrong with that?" He asked. "I hate crying, it makes me feel like a baby, Jaelyn explained. She didn't expect him to get it but crying made her weak, Jaelyn hated to feel weak.

"Hey it's ok," he said smiling, "I'd probably freak out and cry too. And not like a man like the biggest baby ever." Jaelyn giggled, every moment she spent with him she wanted to know him more.

"So, I think she is going to live," he looked Jaelyn in the eyes, "and I'm pretty sure she'll let you pet her now if you want." Jaelyn bit her lip contemplating if it was worth the risk of the dog bitting her hand off. "I don't think so," she said.

"Oh come on, you don't want her to sue. I hear this breed is very litigious," the boy joked. Agin Jaelyn laughed, surprised at how easy it was for the boy to break threw her tough exterior. She reached out running her hands through the dogs soft grey fur.

"See, she likes you," he said. Jaelyn smiled. The boy continued to stare back at her. "What?" She asked.

"Sorry it just, you have an eye lash on your cheek."

"Oh, from all the crying" she reached up to wipe It off but wasn't very confident that she got it. "Here let me," they boy whipped away the eye lash and Jaelyn looked down. She didn't even know this guys name but they had a connection, a connection she couldn't ignore.

They walked outside together to Jaelyn's car. Though she was still unaware of his name, and the possibility that he could be a nut job had crossed her mind, she turned around looking at him.

"So there is this party Friday night, and I was wondering maybe if you wanted to go with me?" She asked feeling her confidence regain.

"You want to go to a party, with me?" The boy asked shocked. "Ya, well after you tell me your name," The boy looked at her and said, "it's Scott, Scott McCall." Jaelyn nodded.

"Well than I guess I'll see you Friday, Scott McCall."

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