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Scott collapsed onto the locker room bench, his deep brown eyes filled with sadness.

"So what did she say?" Stiles asked slowly. Scott could feel the heartache pooling up in his chest, he couldn't even find the words to explain what Jaelyn had said to him. To explain how he had lied, and that this was all his fault.

"Is she going to give you a second chance?" Stiles tried agin. Scott shook his head balling his hands into first at his sides. He wanted to scream or punch something, but he couldn't.

Really it wasn't anger that he was feeling. It was sadness, because this bite had ruined one of the best chances he'd ever had.

"I'm sorry Scott, I like you I really do, but sometimes that just isn't enough."

At that moment Scott felt like he'd been crushed. Like he was playiny lacrosse and someone had just shoved him straight into the ground, his face filled with dirt. Jaelyn turned on her heels heading to her car without another word to Scott.

She knew if she tried to explain herself farther she'd break down into tears. Looking at Scott, the way his face dropped after what she'd said it was heartbreaking. Jealyn was nearly to her car when someone called her name.

"Hey Jaelyn wait up." It was Alison running to catch up with her. Swiftly Jaelyn wiped the tears from her eyes, and turned around smiling at Alison.

"Hey what's up?" She asked. Alison slowed to a stop in front of her.

"Nothing much I just wanted to say sorry agin for not making it to Lydia's party," Alison said remorseful. Jaelyn must admit she was a nice girl, and she knew by Lydia's description that Alison was a little shy and wasn't quick to approach just anyone.

"It's cool, really the party was uneventful." Which was true, if you were comparing it to what Jaelyn had witness in the woods.

Someone honked twice from the drop-off lane and Alison's head snapped over. "Oh sorry that's my dad," she said.

"I guess I'll see you around." Jaelyn nodded waving to Alison as she left, joining her dad at their car.

Jaelyn thought that she was finally in the clear, that she could safely go home and cry in a bowl of Ben and Jerry's like she'd been planning. But before she could walk to her car something caught her eye. She turned around surveying the man whom Alison had called dad.

He was tall, in his early forties, and had a trimmed beard. As soon as Jaelyn saw him something clicked and it only took a few seconds, a few very painful seconds, to realize who he was.

He looked exactly like Jaelyn had seen him last, the only thing missing was a crossbow. Alison Argents dad had shot an arrow into Scotts arm, hell he'd shot an arrow at Jaelyn! Because he was the hunter, Alison Argents dad was hunting Scott.

WHITE LIES || SCOTT MCCALLWhere stories live. Discover now