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Scott was starting to get worried. The lacrosse game had just come to an end and he hadn't heard from Jaelyn nor Stiles sense it started.

Another win for Beacon Hills and it's players, they'd be going to State now. A huge triumph for the team.

Cheers and shouts sounded through the halls of the high school. Hands reached out to pat Scott across the back, and voices congratulated him.

But Scott was only focused on one thing. He kept peering over heads in search for Jaelyn or Stiles, still he saw no sign of the blonde girl or his best friend.

"Has anyone seen Stiles? Or Jaelyn Whittemore?" Scott called. No one seemed to be paying attention, and if they were they didn't care enough to respond.

"Stiles! Jaelyn!" Still nothing.

Scott began to do a double take, he didn't want to believe what was clearly in front of his eyes. Neither one of them were here, something bad had happened.

Stiles would never miss a chance to play first line, and Jaelyn wouldn't leave him to worry like this.

In his distress Scott wasn't paying attention, and backed into another body moving through the crowded hallway.

Scott turned, and his eyes were met those of Allison Argent, they both froze.

A sweaty lacrosse player ran between the two, screaming "Sate" at the top of his lungs. It seemed only to make the silence between Allison and Scott more awkward.

"Uh, you were pretty awesome out there tonight," Allison said breaking the tension in the air. Her pink lips turning into a smirk.

"Thanks, listen have you seen Jaelyn?" Scott asked frantically. Allison's flirty smile vanished as she saw the fear in Scotts eyes. She would never know why he cared so much for Jaelyn Whittemore. Maybe love really was blind.

"Not sense she left my house, why?"

"I haven't seen her the whole game, I'm worried something happened." Allison nodded then reached out, rubbing her hand across Scotts arm. Scott couldn't help but think if Jaelyn were here she wouldn't hesitate to reach out and punch Allison strait in the noes.

"I'll keep an eye out for her," Allison soothed. Scott nodded and Allison slowly removed her hand from his arm.

With a small wave she began making her way down the hall to meet up with her father. Allison looked back for a second, making lingering eyes contact with Scott. She gave him a bright smile, then was swept away out of the crowd.

Scott would never understand why she still liked him. Even thought he'd rejected her after their mistaken kiss, even though anyone with eyes could see he was totally roped up in all things Jaelyn Whittemore.

WHITE LIES || SCOTT MCCALLWhere stories live. Discover now