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For future references, being shot hurts like a bitch. My doctor said I was lucky the shooter hit my right shoulder and the bullet when strait through my arm, nowhere near any vital organs. I wasn't so lucky that the bullet was filled with Aconite flower. Wolfs Bane. Which just so happened to be a harsh poison and subjected me to a much more likely chance of infection.

So in addition to the bullet hole in my arm, I was also on strict antibiotics so I didn't, in the bluntest of terms, die. Scott had found me not a moment too soon and I was then rushed to the hospital. I haven't seen or talked to him sense yesterday when it happened, but that might be on account my parents have spent every waking moment in my hospital room and I'm almost positive my dad told the front desk to only let family visit.

"I still can't believe this happened," my dad said pacing around the room like a mad man. In the day I'd spent at the hospital this is all he'd been doing. My mom was knitting and Jackson, when he was actually here and not flirting with the nurse at the front desk, just acted like an ass.

"Sweetheart your probably making her dizzy," my mother said. I rolled my eyes, everyone in this room was making me dizzy. My dads constant complaining, my mothers shrill voice, and Jackson whom just sat there typing away on his phone. Everyone had their own ideas about what happened yesterday night but no one bothered to ask me how I felt.

"It was probably that loser she's dating's fault," Jackson piped up not bothering to look up from his phone. I groaned, for some reason this all came back to Scott. Both Jackson and my father had conveniently forgotten that Scott was the one who found me and saved my life. Not to mention he wasn't the shooter.

"Why is it always Scotts fault?" I asked, my voice strained.

"Because if it weren't for him making you skip we would've already been gone from the school," my father said still pacing.

"Ya well if it weren't for you yelling at me I wouldn't have run away to the woods." This was entirely true, though my parents thought I had a panic attack I really just had to get away from them.

My father didn't speak any further and just sat in his chair, everything when silent. I sighed, my father hated to except when he was wrong. Though I couldn't tell my parents that it wasn't anyone's fault but mine that I got shot. I stuck my nose in places it didn't belong and I lied, I lied to everyone.

"I'm sorry dad, I really am" I said. He nodded walked over to my bedside were he grasped my hand.

"It's ok kiddo, I was being a little unfair," He said simply. I nodded happy with his resolution. On top of all of my current problems I couldn't have my dad hating my boyfriend as well.

"Whatever, I still think he's a loser," Jackson said.

"Yah well your a pompous asshole but we like you." My mom chuckled and my dad cracked a slight smile. Jackson just huffed angrily exiting my room.

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