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When do we start blaming ourselves for everything? Does there come a certain point in our lives when we convince ourselves we just aren't worthy, that everything done wrong to us is our own fault?

Jaelyn never though that day would come, when her confidence in herself began to waver. She was always the girl with her head held high, without care what others thought. Though that all changed when her and Scotts worlds collided.

There was only one time in her life when she'd felt as weak as did now, as insecure. But that time was nothing compared to this, she had truly hit rock bottom.

Even when the alpha had come after her, the hunters, it wasn't that bad because she knew she had Scott. Jaelyn had nothing now. Scott was in Allison's arms, and all the apology speeches in the world couldn't change that.

Jaelyn's mouth went dry and her bones became frail. She'd just witness the guy she was totally and completely in love with kiss another girl. Everything in her was telling her to bust into coaches office, walk right up to Allison and rip the hair straight from her head. But she didn't, and on her crutches and achy bones Jaelyn just turned around and hobbled away.

She didn't say anything, didn't show any sign of struggle. At least not until a single tear rolled down her face. Then like a floodgate opening, more followed. The tears rushed down Jaelyn's cheeks burning her pale skin and cracking her pink lips. A sob escaping her parted mouth.

How could Scott do this to her? He of all people knew how weak Jaelyn felt when she cried. How could he break her heart this way, how could he let her suffer.

Once Jaelyn had made it to the lacrosse field she'd whipped her tears away, but the redness from the liquid still remained.

"Jaelyn you okay?" She was being called. Turning to the voice Jaelyn discover it was coming from the players bench, it was Stiles.

"I'm fine Stiles, just fine." He nodded though seamed unconvinced. Jaelyn brushed it off and went to sit at the top of the bleachers next to Lydia. She gave Jaelyn a strange look to which she promptly ignored.

Practice was begging and Scott had just walked onto the field. But it wasn't the usual Scott, he seemed more confident, arrogant actually.

Jaelyn's heart began racing as she saw Scott, he didn't make eye contact with her, didn't even try. Jaelyn had no idea how this made her feel, was she angry, sad, both?

This was something only Scott could do, make her feel a new and unrecognizable emotion that was slowly driving her crazy.

Jaelyn watched a brief conversation between Scott and Stiles then they began to line up, ready to practice shooting and blocking.

Though Jaelyn didn't notice it, everyone was on edge. Scott had just been named co-captain, and anyone who knew Jackson Whittemore and his ego, knew that this was sure to be an interesting practice.

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