Bonus Chapter #2

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Will's apartment was clean and comfortable, but not exactly my style

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Will's apartment was clean and comfortable, but not exactly my style. I had been here enough times over the past few months to know that he never changed the place. His furniture looked like each piece came from a different collection at IKEA, yet they still managed to match in the sense that nothing matched. I liked it here.

We started dating in June, when Will officially completed his post-doc position and was no longer affiliated with the university. The last thing I wanted to do was look unprofessional by dating someone within the department, but I had to admit that flirting with him in his office when it was just the two of us and seeing his face flush while my chest went on fire felt so damn good.

Will is kind, smart, and an excellent kisser. I know this because his tongue is currently in my mouth as we make out on his worn, polyester couch.

"Your skin is cold," he murmured, "I should warm it up for you."

We had just gotten back from a walk around Queen's Park and the early December air was frigid. But as Will trailed kisses along my jaw and then down my neck, I felt the temperature rise. I moaned and felt him smile against my collar bone.

"I like that," I sighed. I stopped feeling shy about being with Will in this way the first time he saw me naked and put his mouth over my most intimate area.

"Let me know when you're not so cold anymore, so we can get these clothes off."

My heart thudded in my chest. Will and I had done some things, yes; things that I hadn't done with anyone ever before. But we had yet to do the one thing that I had done with someone else.

"If you want to, obviously. Only if you want to," Will said, sensing my hesitation.

"Yeah, I want to. I'm ready," I admitted, more to myself than him.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, and led me to his small, no-frills bedroom. This room was my favourite part of his apartment. It smelled the most like Will and there were statistics textbooks stacked against his walls.

I watched Will take his shirt off, exposing a decently muscular torso and defined arms with inked Chinese symbols lining his inner biceps. Heat pooled deep in my stomach and the butterflies fully took flight when I watched him take his jeans off. Clad in only his boxers, he climbed onto his bed and helped take off my clothes, kissing each part of my body as it became exposed.

"You're good at this," I whimpered.

"I've had lots of practice," he smiled.

I froze.

"Everything okay?" Will peered up at me.

"I don't," I swallowed, "Have a lot of practice, I mean."

He nodded slowly, digesting the information. "Get out of my apartment right now."

I laughed heartily, because making stupid jokes like this was exactly his personality.

"Camille, that's more than okay," he insisted. "We can take this as slow as you want." He ran his thumb along my jaw. "Is this your first time?"

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