The End (For real, this time)

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I'm not really sure what to say. Or, more accurately, what to write. 

Over the past year and a half, Taylor and Camille have become parts of me, and all of you have become my friends. Depending on how long you have been here, you would have seen an original ending, an alternative ending, and now, a new ending.

I think this requires a bit of explaining.

I wrote After the Storm during the beginning of the pandemic, and I planned the... um... character development of Taylor to be the way it was because I needed a way to process the reality that T was similar to a guy I had fallen for. So, at first, C and T never ended up together. Because we both had to get over him. 

This (rightfully so) upset a lot of people, but a lot of people actually liked it. But more than anything, it didn't feel right to me. I had fallen in love with C and T so much that I knew their story was't done. So I kept posting more chapters of how that would eventually happen.

Part of the reason why I am posting this is because I want to truly, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart apologize for any pain After the Storm has caused you. I know that when so many of us read romance novels, it's to escape from any darkness of the world, and I swear I never meant to make anyone feel any negative feelings. I can only hope that the ending of the story has healed any wounds.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has been part of Camille and Taylor's journey, in any capacity. I am so grateful that you chose to be a part of their world. Theirs - and the real one - is better because you are in it.


S. M. Jacqueline 

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