Bonus Chapter #4

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I love Taylor Hudson

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I love Taylor Hudson.

I especially love Taylor Hudson when he is poised above me, arms on either side of my head, his gold chain dangling mere inches from my mouth, and rocking back and forth into me at the most delicious pace.

"Holy fuck," I moan.

I can practically feel myself tingle and clench around him. He groans in response and my toes curl into my mattress.

"Mmmm, I love making you feel good."

"You do...a...good job...of it."

Taylor's laugh sends vibrations from his chest to my breasts.

Sex with Taylor is unbelievable. Everything with Taylor is unbelievable. Literally. I still can't believe that he's chosen to be with me, to love me.

Taylor's face contorts into a look of pure pleasure and he presses his lips into the sensitive spot of my neck. Fuck. His chain is cool against my damp skin and I gasp at the foreign sensation.

When we're finished Taylor holds me to him, my head on his chest, part of his body still inside part of mine. His brown eyes are hooded but intent as they fixate on my face.


"You're the most amazing thing in my life."

My stomach flips.

"I love you."

He says the words back. Gingerly, he removes himself from me, from the bed and retreats to my en suite. I know what's coming and chills break out in anticipation.

"Do you have a preference?" Taylor is standing by the drawer where I keep my underwear.

"Nope. So long as it's clean and cotton."

"Sounds good."

I love the lazy half grin on this man's face as he runs the slightly damp cloth over my soiled skin. I'm spent, but the sensation of the soft towel arouses me slightly.

"This okay?"

He always asks me, and the answer is always the same.

I nod.


Once I'm clean Taylor slides the bikini cut fabric over my legs. He presses a closed-mouth kiss over the spot he just covered. I shudder. His fingers caress the insides of my thighs and I melt into my Queen mattress. The size is just enough to accommodate Taylor and I. It's perfect.

"I think I need to shave more often. Your thighs are red."

I vaguely remember feeling the scratches, but the memory of his tongue overpowers those.

"It's okay. But want me to give you a shave?"

Taylor holds onto my hips as we enter my bathroom. I prop myself onto my counter and grab Taylor's razor and shaving foam.

"You're so hot."

He laughs. "Thanks."

I'm careful as I run the razor over his jaw. I leave a bit of a shadow, just the way I like.

"I can't believe you're mine," I whisper once we're done.

"Believe it. I'm not going anywhere."

God, I love this man. His size overwhelms me. His thighs, his shoulders, his heart.

"Except for now, because there's someone at the door."

I am still in my blissed out state from making love to Taylor that I have to strain to hear the knock.

"Ugh, can you get it?"

Taylor nods as he pulls up a pair of athletic shorts, sans boxers. Once he is out of my bedroom I throw on his t-shirt. I know he loves when I—

Oh shit.

I know that voice. I've known it my whole life.

I dash out of my bedroom and practically throw myself on to my mother, who is standing in my living area beside a sheepish looking Taylor.

"Mom!" I say into her shoulder. "I thought you were coming tomorrow!"

"I wanted to surprise you first. Your dad and Thomas and the gang will arrive tomorrow."

"I'm so happy you're here."

She pushes me back gently so that she can assess my face.

"Oof. You smell like sex."

Taylor makes a choking noise from where he's been quietly standing. I almost forget that he's here and that we're dressed like... like we were just doing what we were doing.

"Mom...I...I guess I haven't known how to explain it to you but..."

"But you and Taylor are in love."

I freeze. And so does Taylor, who was on his way to put on a shirt, but then realized it was on my body.

My eyes narrow.

"Camille, I'm your mother. I know you. I could see the change in you as soon as the two of you got back together. What's it been... a few months now?"

Damn. She was spot on. New Year's Eve was about three months ago, and Taylor had officially been mine since then. Unofficially, he had been mine since we met.

"Look, Maia," Taylor says. "I know you know what happened. I mean, what I did to your daughter. I'm not over it. I don't think I'll ever get over it, and I wouldn't blame you if you hated me."

My mom eye's rise. "How do you know I know everything?"

Taylor gives a small smile. "Because I know Camille too. I know how close you two are."

My mind flashes back to that night of Uncle Mark's letter and how mad my mom seemed to be at the man who hurt her daughter.

"Believe it or not, I'm okay with things," she says, surprising me. "I've been okay with it since five minutes ago when I saw the way that you looked at her. I just want to make sure that you two are being safe."

And that's enough of me standing around in my underwear and boyfriend's t-shirt in front of her.

"I'm going to shower and change," I mumble.

"Camille, wait."

Taylor puts his arm out to stop me.

He presses his lips to my forehead.

"I love you."

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