Bonus Chapter #6

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I don't particularly love the fact that the sky grows dark at 4 p

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I don't particularly love the fact that the sky grows dark at 4 p.m. at this time of year, but I have to admit that the ride home with Taylor was romantic, with no light but the moon and Christmas bulbs around us.

The Lillian H. Smith's Children's Library is about a fifteen-minute drive from Canada Bank arena, where Taylor had spent the afternoon. While I was reading a group of children a selection of secular holiday stories, Taylor and some teammates were shooting some promotional materials for the team's YouTube channel. I had attended the previous day's session. You think you know someone until you find out that he'd rather go without a single chocolate over the holiday season than give up five cookies. I wouldn't have been able to decide that. I need all the chocolates and cookies.

So, I was expecting it to be dark outside, but I wasn't expecting it to be dark inside Taylor's apartment when we arrived back.

"Why is it so dark in here?" I asked as I unzipped my boot.


"There's not a single light on in here. Usually you leave a lamp on or something."

"Oh," Taylor said. "Just follow me."


"Taylor, what's going on?" My giggle was nervous.

I knew the layout of his condo well enough to know that he was leading me to his bedroom. He pushed open the door and somewhere, someone said, let there be light. The spacious room was cast with the soft glow that came from battery-operated candles placed strategically around the room.

My voice caught in my throat. "Taylor, what?"

"An early Christmas present."

I turn around and look at Taylor's handsome face. In the dim lighting, I can barely make out his features and yet I know there is a flush to his complexion.

"Taylor, you know I don't expect extravagant things," I warn.

"I know. I gotta be honest. This is for me as much as it is for you."

He leads me to his bed and gestures for me to take a seat. I run my hands along the comforter in nervous anticipation. My heart is hammering in my chest and I don't know why. All I can say is that this moment feels big. I watch Taylor open his bedside drawer and pull out a red box.

I don't have to see the gold lettering to know what it says. Cartier.


"Please, C, let me do this for you."

I mash my lips together. Taylor approaches and nearly gives me a heart attack when he gets down onto his knees. Both knees.

"Oh god, I just realized what that looked like," Taylor said. "I promise, it's not that, yet."

Yet. Oh god, indeed.

He flips open the box and presents its contents to me. Sure enough, it's a Cartier love bracelet. Many of the wives and girlfriends have them, including Sydney and Jayne. I never brought it up to Taylor, so I'm not sure how he knows.

"Taylor, it's amazing. You're amazing. Thank you."

"You're welcome. But I have to admit. This was my gift. Yours is this."

Suddenly there's something silver in front of my eyes. Taylor's eyes are full of love and hope. When I tear my eyes away from his, I realize what it is. I gasp.

"Move in with me, Camille. This condo isn't a home without you."

He's giving me a key to his place.

"Yes, Taylor! Just... yes!"

He puts the gifts on the bed, and in one swift motion, pulls my body into his and spins me around.

"I love you so fucking much that I run out of ways to show you."

"Trust me," I say into his sweatshirt. "You're doing a damn good job of it."

When he finally puts me down, something dawns on me.

"Wait...the bracelet. You said it was your gift."

"Oh, right," he swallows and his voice comes out husky. "It's because I want to see you wear it while you ride me."

Just like that, the mood changes. I want to jump this man's bones. I practically tear off his black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants, but leave on his toque and chain. Taylor tenderly removes my layers until I am baring it all for him. With a smile that turns my stomach molten, he puts the bracelet on my left wrist.

On the bed, his fingers massage me, but I don't think I could be readier. Still, just to confirm, Taylor sticks his index finger in me.

"You ready?"

I answer him by positioning myself between his spread legs. When I slide down on him, we both gasp. Riding him is so fucking wonderful.

"Come on baby, let's find your rhythm."

I circle myself around him and watch the way Taylor's head rolls back into the pillow.

"Lean all the way back," I say as I place my hands on his chest. "How does the bracelet look?"


Up, down, back, forth. His fingers on my sensitive spot. It's all so overwhelming and so Taylor.

We're so high that it takes us a few minutes to come down from it.

Moments later I am lying on Taylor's chest, my bracelet laying over his left side. He places with my hair and then presses a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"Welcome home, my girl."

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