Chapter Sixteen

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I thought I had done a good job up until this point with not pestering Taylor about where he was taking me

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I thought I had done a good job up until this point with not pestering Taylor about where he was taking me. But now, on the way to wherever-the-hell-we-were-going, surely would be a good time to spill the beans? It had been five minutes since Taylor drove out of the arena's parking lot and the only word he apparently knew was mum.

Fine. I thought he would have admitted our destination by now, maybe even explain why he was protecting the information like it was top-secret, but I could see that he wanted to play hardball. I wasn't above begging. But first, let's start with simply asking. Again.

"So, Taylor, where are we—"

"Fine, I'll tell you," he said, cutting me off.

I had never been so okay with getting interrupted. When I was younger, I would always be spoken over because my voice was so soft, which is why it now sounds like I'm saying a rehearsed speech whenever I address even a small group.

"We're on our way to see a good friend of mine," Taylor said as we hit a red light. "One of the best ones I have here, actually."

"Really?" I glanced over at him.

Was that a tinge of jealousy I felt? That's ridiculous. So what if I wasn't the only "good friend" Taylor had in Winnipeg?

"Yeah, his name is Devon and he's a really good kid," he continued.

Wait. A kid?

Taylor looked at me from the side, likely assessing my slightly confused expression before he dropped the most important nugget of information.

"He's a patient at the local children's hospital. I visit him from time to time and thought maybe you'd like to come with me. But if you're not comfortable with it, we can go straight to dinner. I was going to take you after..."

Whoa, whoa. Whoa. My brain could only process so much at once, and I was still trying to get past 'hospital.'

Taylor had a friend at a children's hospital, one that he visited? From time to time, as in, more than once? That was so completely... Taylor.

"Of course, I'd love to visit with you," I interrupted his never-ending stream of words. "How come you never mentioned this before?"

In true humble Taylor Hudson fashion, he shrugged. "I met him in August, at a team event. The Storm organization visits the hospital every year at that time. The players get to meet and play with some of the kids, and it's a highlight for the kids, which is great. But there was one boy and his parents that I met..."

"Devon," I said, putting two-and-two together.

"Yeah, Devon, that I formed a real connection with. So, I visit him whenever I can, which isn't too often, but I guess it's better than nothing."

"I think it's amazing."

Taylor scratched his neck, seeming uncomfortable with the compliment.

"I'm in a pretty fortunate position. It's just a small thing I do."

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