Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Let me the fuck out of here! Open the fucking door, you stupid sons of bitches! Let me out or I'm going to rip your throats out with my teeth! I'll fucking bathe in your blood!"

My screams were making my ears ring, but I couldn't give a flying fuck. I didn't even give a shit that my knuckles were bleeding from beating the door. I just needed this door open and my ass to be wherever Thirteen was.

Once the realization hit me, my panic attack turned into full on rage mode. I felt like I was trapped in a cage, and really, that's where I was. My bedroom was a cage. The door was locked, there were no windows, no bars, nothing for me to use to escape. My fury raged on, ignored.

It didn't matter how much I screamed, I realized in agony as I stumbled back and sat on the edge of the bed. They weren't going to open the door for me. This was why they had wanted me distracted today. So they could get Thirteen and get out as fast as they could before I realized what was happening. I felt like a goddamn idiot for not realizing it right away. Of course they would take Thirteen away once they figured out I was breaking into the Oasis wing to see him.

But why did it fucking matter? Why did it matter that we were together? Why was it so wrong to want to be around my brother? Fuck, it didn't even matter that we shared the same genetic makeup. I needed to be around him. I needed to protect him. There was something special about Thirteen. He was a rare breath of fresh air in a world that was absolute fucking shit. He was... innocence and kindness and caring.

He was... my only family.

Horror sank into my very bones at the thought of him being so far away from me. It was a combination of agony and panic. Tears stung my eyes as my breath left me in a panicked gasp as I launched myself off the bed again and went for the door.

"Let me out! You can't do this! He needs me! Let me out! Get me out of this fucking room!" I shouted, banging my fists into the door. Blood hit the door as my knuckles split open. I wanted to scream more, but my throat was growing hoarse after an hour and my body was starting to lag again.

"Let me out!" I tried again, but my voice cracked and died on me. I coughed and stumbled back again. I looked around the room, hoping to find something, anything of use, until I spun in a full circle and faced the door and an idea occurred to me. I narrowed my eyes, then went to the door one last time, slamming my fist into it.

"Let me...!" I stopped and choked before hitting the floor a second later. I curled up into a fetal position, drawing my arms up to my chest. I sucked in a shuddering breath, letting myself hyperventilate a little so I was shaking and dizzy. The sensation was horrible, but I let it play out. It didn't take long for someone to come to the door. I could hear the clinking of locks falling before the door opened and a guardian entered, wearing a long black coat and sunglasses, even though we were indoors.

He looked peeved as he knelt down with a curse, grabbing my shoulder and flinging me around onto my back. I smirked and swung my fist right up into the guy's throat, making him choke and gag, falling forward. I grabbed his head as quickly as I could and smashed it into the floor repeatedly until there was nothing left, but mush. I quickly dragged him further into the room and stripped off his clothes, trading with him and snatching his keycard off its little bungey badge. I heaved him up into the bed and laid him there on his stomach with the blanket pulled over his head. It wouldn't do much, but it'd be enough to throw them off a little.

My heart was racing. There was panic behind what I was doing. Because what I was doing was punishable. What I was doing was against the very reason I was created. I was created as a weapon for the Mother. I was not allowed to have a mind of my own. I wasn't allowed to break the rules.

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