Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

"Oh god, I can't do this."

"Don't say that, you'll be fine."

"I'm gonna choke. Or trip. Oh god, what if I trip?"

Akin sighed heavily and shook his head, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear and steadying the thin gold band they called a crown to sit on my head. He smiled and stepped back, holding me at arms length so he could admire me.

"You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart. Just smile a little," he urged, but it was so hard to smile knowing I was about to go out on a stage and not just any stage, but a stage in front of literally all of Atlantis and beyond. There were going to be reporters and TV crews all ready to get a front view of the new Princes of Atlantis. Oh god, so that meant even other realms would see me if I fell on my face.

Akin noticed my panicking and sighed, grabbing me by the shoulders and turning me around to face the three full length mirrors behind me, and I froze, stunned at the reflection I saw there.

I didn't look like me. At least, not the me I was used to seeing. I was used to seeing sweaty, dirty, bloody, a few bruises and cuts here and there, but because I was no longer in the compound, I wasn't getting beat up on a daily basis. Oh, sure, I trained with Hannibal and my cousins, but that was different. They weren't intent on destroying me. They just fought until I was down and we called it.

So no more injuries. My dark complexion was unmarred and smooth and warm, darkened even more by the days I spent in the sun. My hair was so blonde it almost seemed white, done in a braided intricate style that was apparently traditional to Atlantis, with the thin gold crown sitting on top. I wore the traditional military uniform, because not only was I the prince of Atlantis, but I was expected to be a warrior on top of that, and thankfully I already had a headstart on that. The uniform was an easy to move in outfit, breathable and form-fitting, made of black stitch armored cloth and gold and red stitching with several pins on my chest.

The first pin represented my past; a bird rising up out of a pile of ashes, a phoenix, the national symbol of Atlantis, rising up from the ashes and being reborn. The second pin depicted a heart with a sword through it, to represent my struggles. The third was the image of a skull with a crown on top, indicating I was not only royalty, but a warrior.

For a whole moment, I was blown away by what I saw in the reflection. I couldn't believe how much I'd changed since I'd left the compound. I'd been a skittish boy that ran away from abuse, ignorant of the world outside. Now, I stood in a mansion on top of a hill that overlooked the realm of Atlantis, as their prince and a respected soldier. I was so much more than a boy. I felt like a male for the first time in my life and for a brief moment, I was struck by the sensation.

"You. Are. Beautiful," Akin said, coming up to put his hands on my shoulders and I turned my head to look at him, "You are strong. You are confident. You are fierce. You are Seven, first son of Hannibal and Akin, Prince of Atlantis. You are a warrior. You are proud. You are everything and so much more, Seven." I swallowed at that and turned in his arms to hug him. He hugged me back, cradling me against him before he put me out at arms length.

"You're going to be okay," he assured, "Hannibal and I will be right beside you, so will Thirteen, and Lea and Zetnos. Your cousins will be there to watch too, so just focus on them. Don't worry about answering questions or the cameras or anything. Focus on introducing yourself as the prince. If someone says something or asks something inappropriate, just tell them. Say, hey, that's inappropriate. I am not answering that. Alright?" I nodded. Akin smiled.

"Good. You'll be okay, sweetheart, I promise. And once it's all over, we'll have dinner back at the house and the day will be over, okay?" He asked. I nodded. Akin nodded, then sighed and looked around the room with a pout.

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