Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Three days later, and still no attacks.

Three days later, and the King had a security detail not just on the property, but on my ass at all times. I could barely take a piss without them hovering around the door to make sure I didn't get attacked on the pot. Of course, something told me that they weren't just watching me to keep me safe, but to also make sure I didn't do anything suspicious, because the gods knew the King did not trust me.

"That's such horseshit," Holly said as we sat in the grass at the park. It was a warm sunny afternoon and strangely, Holly had called up the cousins to have a picnic in the park. Like, a legitimate picnic. Something I'd only ever read about in books. We'd brought a couple of big blankets to spread out in the grass, and everyone got together to pack sandwiches and chips and snacks at Keros's house. It took about two hours before we actually got to the park and set up.

"I think it was smart," Keros responded as he pulled me against him on the blanket and I leaned on his shoulder, "The more people guarding them the better."

"Not if they're watching him because they think he's suspicious," Holly said dryly, pausing to glare over at the guards who stood just a ways off to the left. Lumen stared over at them, then looked at me.

"I think he's just trying to protect you, honestly," she said, "Hannibal has weird ways of showing he cares." I wished I could believe her, but frankly, I couldn't. The King didn't like me and he made that very clear every time I was even in the room with him and he made some dumb excuse to leave. On top of that, he wasn't training me-- Menoetius and Havalia were. The past three days, I'd gone to the barracks and met up with them for one on one training sessions. I didn't say anything to Akin, because I didn't want to get the King in trouble. Plus, I didn't give a shit. The less time I spent with Hannibal, the better.

"He doesn't have to go about it this way," Holly disagreed, "I get he needs protection, but christ on a stick, he's not an infant. Or a terrorist."

"Some say we are," Lumen pointed out, making Holly open her mouth, then close it as if she couldn't think of an argument for that. Lumen smiled and Holly simply shrugged, reaching over to grab a chip from the bag.

"Well, whatever. If the King is gonna be a baby, let him. We got more important shit to do," she said, making me raise an eyebrow.

"What are we doing?" I asked. Holly grinned, which made Wren and Floki both groan. She chucked a chip at them and turned back to me.

"Akin's birthday is tomorrow. We're gonna have the biggest best surprise party ever. We've done it the past few years and it's always gone really well," she explained. I nodded, but Wren gave her a dry stare.

"Really? Because I remember last year someone set something on fire," he said, to which Holly looked at him in mock disbelief, placing a hand over her heart.

"I told you not to let me cook," she exclaimed, to which Floki snorted.

"Oh yeah, that's totally what it was about," he said, making Holly grin wickedly. I shook my head at them as Floki and Wren both threw empty chip bags at Holly. I looked at Keros, who was finishing off his BLT sandwich. He had a bit of mayo in the corner of his mouth. So I leaned over and licked it off, making him go still before looking at me with heat in his bright blue eyes.

"Do that again and I might have to take you somewhere private," he warned in a low voice. I smirked at him.

"Do it," I urged. Keros mirrored my smirk and leaned in to give me a kiss.

"Get a room," Holly drawled, throwing popcorn at us. I laughed, grabbing the handful that landed in our laps to stuff in my mouth.

"I'd love to," I responded, making Holly laugh.

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