Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of something sweet and warm. I blinked my eyes open and found myself staring up at a wooden ceiling. Confused for a whole second about where I was at, I shot upright and looked around. I was laying in someone else's bed... A quick look around and I remembered what had happened the day before.

Right. I wasn't in the compound anymore. I wasn't at home. I was in Atlantis. Specifically, I was in Keros's beach house. It took me a minute to cope with that. I frowned when I realized Keros wasn't in the room, though. I pushed the blankets back and slid out of the bed, wandering over to the computer, a screensaver swirling on the monitor. I went to the open door and stepped out, listening to voices down below.

"It's eight in the morning," came Holly's groan, "I should be asleep. I should be under fifteen pounds of blankets."

"Not while we're on vacation," Blaine responded, "I want you up bright and early."

"Next time I'm gonna find my own place."

"Fine. Do it. See who makes you food when you're on your own."

"I can just call you to come feed me."

"Like hell you can," Blaine snorted, "I'm not gonna run around making you food elsewhere."

"Wow," Holly drawled, "You must really hate me."

"Shut up before I throw your pancakes in the garbage disposal," Blaine responded. The conversation was playful and light, not at all serious. I inched out of the room the rest of the way and went down the stairs slowly, just to make sure Keros was also down there. Sure enough, he was sitting at the table and my heart skipped a beat.

His hair was all tousled like he'd just woken up, but it gave him a charming boyish look to him that I didn't imagine would suit him. On top of that, he wasn't wearing a shirt and it revealed how fucking ripped he was. His muscles bunched whenever he moved, and of course, his legs didn't quite fit under the table completely, so he had to do some shifting around to get comfortable. Much like his father, who was sitting on the other side of the table with his head resting on the table.

Jeez, if Micah saw me with my head on the table, he'd probably smash it.

"You're awake." Blaine's voice made me look up to see him looking at me from the stove where he appeared to be flipping a pancake. That explained what smelled so sweet and delicious. My stomach growled at the sight of those pancakes and I cleared my throat to cover up the sound.

"Yup. Morning," I greeted, coming down the stairs the rest of the way. I reached up to smooth my hair as Keros's eyes swung around and locked on me. There was a heat there that made my own body respond. I adjusted my shirt as I came over and took a seat.

"Did you sleep well?" Keros asked softly. I nodded.

"Sorry I slept so long," I murmured. Keros shook his head.

"It's no problem. It's not that late."


"Well, I hope you're hungry," Blaine said as he came over to the table and leaned over my shoulder to plop a pile of pancakes in front of me. I looked at the pile in surprise, then at Blaine, who went around dishing out the pancakes, including to his husband, who was clearly fast asleep with his head still resting on the table. Blaine rolled his eyes and thumped his husband in the shoulder, making him jerk awake and sit upright, a lock of his hair curled up on his forehead, so he looked rather silly.

"Thank you," I murmured for the pancakes and Blaine just inclined his head as he went back to the stove.

"Where's Ayo?" Cerberus asked sleepily. Blaine shrugged.

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