Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Something was going on.

Something weird.

After the incident at the house, Hades arrived and transported all of us back to the royal hospital. It took a couple hours for everyone to get situated, and much to my chagrin, I wasn't allowed anywhere near Thirteen to see if he was okay. My heart broke over the fact that he couldn't stop crying. He clung to Akin for dear life and just wept. And I couldn't do anything about it.

Next thing I know, I'm sitting in a plush chair in a cold sterile room that reminded me of the compound. It had me on pins and needles as I sat there anxiously, looking around the room that was nothing more than white on white on white. The King was in the room with me, unfortunately, and that was it.

He stood by the door like a sentinel with his big arms folded over his broad chest, his mismatched eyes watching me from across the room like he was expecting me to jump up and try to kill him. There was an odd look on his face too, one I couldn't quite decipher. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was concern, but I wouldn't think it was over myself. Perhaps he was worried about Thirteen too? Or maybe his husband? Or the whole situation? I had no idea.

It was just awkward, sitting there in silence while the King stared at me.

Thankfully it didn't last much longer because the door to the room opened and I rose to my feet instinctually, tensing when I saw Hades coming into the room with a small white box with a hazard symbol on it. Alarmed, I moved to stand by the chair, in case I needed to use it as a weapon.

"Well, that was fucking exciting," Hades greeted, closing the door behind him and walking over to the counter to set his box down, "Bet it made for a great date night, huh?" I glared at him, but didn't say anything. Hades shrugged it off and opened up the box, revealing a tourniquet, some kind of syringe, and a couple empty vials.

"What is that?" I demanded, feeling my anxiety heighten.

"It's a blood draw kit," Hades replied calmly as he reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of gloves, "Nothing big. Just need to take your blood and run some tests."

"No, you don't," I said immediately, eyeing the syringe like it was a dagger, because it fucking might as well be, "I'm fine. I'm not the one who's hurt. What about Thirteen? Where is he? What's happening to him?"

"Thirteen is fine," Hades replied, then paused, "Well, as fine as he can be after witnessing death... How old were you when you first witnessed death, oh mighty king of Atlantis?" He cast a sideways look at the King, who frowned.

"Five," he answered hollowly. I swallowed at that, then looked at Hades, who nodded.

"Yeah, about the same here," he admitted, "Still traumatizing nonetheless. Kid's gonna need some therapy, but luckily, I know a pretty decent therapist in the area who will be happy to help Thirteen work through it."

"Okay," I said, still feeling alarm as I watched Hades snap his gloves on and take the syringe on, "Then you don't need my blood. There's no reason for it. I'm fine. I didn't get hurt or traumatized."

"You popped a guy's head open," Hades deadpanned, making me stiffen, "You had no control over it. We need to figure out if you are what we think you are." I glared at him.

"The asshole tried to kill my fucking brother! Of course I killed him!"

"You didn't just kill him. You destroyed him. There's a difference between killing for necessity and killing because you got a sick thrill out of it."

"I didn't, though!"

"Except you were smiling while you did it, so I mean," Hades shrugged, made a meh gesture with his hand and turned to face me with the needle. I tensed and moved closer behind the chair, putting my hands on the back of it.

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