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Harry watches Severus as he does his home work and Severus grades papers.

Harry sets the work aside and carefully takes the papers and quill from Severus and sits next to him cuddling Severus to him.

Severus glances at Harry confused but allows it enjoying he contact. Severus closes his eyes as Harry plays with his hair and slowly falls asleep.

The next day Harry wakes up to knocking on Severus door. They are still on the couch so Harry gets up and covers Severus.

Harry opens the door to see Sirius and Remus. "Morning." Harry says smiling a little. Even though they don't like him and Severus being together they are basically some of the only family he has. The only connection he has to his father as well. 

"Morning Harry." They say looking behind him to see Severus is still asleep. "So your sharing a room with Snivilus now." 

"yes. we are soulmates." Harry says crossing his arms. 

Sirius tries to ignore the thing about Severus and as a more important question. "Did you find out because you were hurting yourself and Severus found flowers on him that matched your self harm scars?" 

"Sirius i told you hes not the one self harming i already asked." Remus says rolling his eyes.

"I was the one getting flowers. I have been since i was five. Theyd come and go all the time." Harry says glancing at the string of flowers from yesterday still fresh black surounded by fading grey lines. 

"Harry we dont think Severus is good for you."

Harry goes to say somthing but instead severus says somthing. "Your right im not good enough for anybody."

"Good morning Snivulus." Sirius says. 

"What do you two mutts want." Severus snaps going over to stand behind Harry.

"I want to talk to my godson and make sure hes ok and to be sure he hasn't self harmed." Sirius says glaring at Snape. 

"Well now that you know go away." Severus snaps. 

Sirius crosses his arms. "im not finished talking to Harry." 

Severus glances at harry. "ok." He pushes Harry to Remus who luckily catches him and shuts and locks the door. Severus frowns a little wondering if doing that would upset Harry. He goes to open the door but remembers that half of the marauders is on the other side. 

Severus tries to take a few calming breaths and goes to change.

Meanwhile Harry sighs and rights himself. He should have lead Sirius and Remus away before Severus woke up. But nothing to bad seemed to happen. Just got himself locked out of the room. No feeling  of Severus hurting... yet.

"Are you ok?" Remus asked. 

"Yes. Now what is it? Just want to tell me hes no good? that i should just leave him? I like him ok. I've always been some what attracted to him. I would have been more if he didn't seem like a asshole and I known he was always on our side. He is my soulmate and i love him." 

"He is older than you. this just makes him a pedophile." Sirius says.

"I am a adult and there is no were that says its illegal. i dont know what started your hatred to him, i know you bullied him in school, and i know what its like to be bullied, for a group to hate you for no reason, adults and teachers not to step in and help, If i didnt come here, and find friends, i may have ended up the same way as him. or worse. sucidal and dead."

They look taken aback. "Harry you dont mean that."

"I do mean that. you know the durslies well guess what. He had a abusive father as well. He was safe no were i found safty here... Even with Voldemort this was better than the durslys.  If i never knew i had magic and i was still going to school and being bullied and going back to a home were im unwanted, treated like a slave, and beat, id probably end up with depressian and other things. id probably would have ended up killing myself. you all tortured him just because he existed-"

"No because he was a death eater."

"He wasn't a death eater at the time he didnt become one tell he was out of school. Because he was driven to that, he found safty and power. Then relized what a bad group he was in and changed. You also told him it was because he existed." 

"He was hanging around death eaters."

"And how do you know they were death eaters. Because they were saying there parents beliefs? What they were taught? Because they were Slytherin? Were else would have Severus even gone? he only had one friend and then in a moment of humiliations and fear that you caused he lost that one true friend." 


"Just leave me and Severus alone. He is my soulmate, and i will stay with him no matter what." 

Sirius and Remus frown and walk away knowing they can not change Harrys mind.

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