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Severus jerks awake from a nightmare... though it was more like memories. He looks at the knife on the dresser wanting it distract himself from the memories of the past. as he reaches to it he stops and drops his hand. Knowing that if he does harry will know and ask questions. strange how he has not already.

Severus gets up and decides to take a cold shower for a distraction. He stands under the water for about thirty minutes then gets out and changes realizing he missed breakfast.

Oh well not like I was going to eat any way. He thinks to himself as he goes to his classroom. He walks in just as class starts and sees that he has 8th year first and sees harry sitting in the back looking concerned. Severus ignores it and begins instruction.

At the end of classes Severus takes Lupin his potion and sees that harry su talking to him. They stop and look at him Lupin glaring. Severus sets the potion down and backs out then quickly goes to his office.

A little bit later harry walks in. "Hello sevy." He says and sits on the desk next to severus who is grading papers.

"Hello harry."

"I told remus." Harry says

"I saw." Severus replies and looks at him. "Did you do your homework?" He then asks.

Harry nods. "I did would you like to look it over?"

"No it's fine." Severus says and looks at the string of flowers on his hand.

Harry also looks and says, "severus I know that we havnt really done alot with this relationship. But I was wondering if you can tell me about. Um. Your mental health..."

Severus looks at him again thinking, yep now he asks. "Well as I'm sure you figured I do have depression." Severus says and rolls his eyes.

Harry nods. "Yes you do. And I did see your memories. Figured that had a roll to play. Along with these two wars. I did not show anyone your memories besides the ministry. And even then I didnt show anything personal. Just what was important to make you not go to azkaban." Harry explains.

Severus nods. "I know. And I thank you for that... i do have schizophrenia." Severus tells him.

"What's shisofrena?" Harry asks butchering the word.

"Its a mental illness that makes the person see and hear things and have paranoia." Severus explains. "And its pronounced skiz-o-fren-e-a." He adds.

Harry nods. "Okay. Have you been to a psychiatrist or tried any potions?"

"I dont need a psychiatrist and I have tried potions." Severus says glaring at him.

"Sorry." Harry says softly. Then he says, "anyways. I was wondering if over the weekend youd like to go out."

Severus blinks. "Like. A date?"

"Yes silly. Like a date." Harry says smiling.

"Um. Well. I dont have much money." Severus says feeling his cheeks heat up.

"I'm buying." Harry says. Severus goes to protest but harry says, "I have more than enough money I can pay for dinner. So Saturday meet me by the gates and we can go out." Harry says and stands up and kisses severus cheek then walks out.

Severus stares at the desk confused feeling the blush on his cheeks thinking, what the fuck he just asked me on a date... and kissed my cheek? Severus shakes his head and finishes grading the walks out of the classroom and starts back to his chambers when some one pushes him against the wall growling. He looks and sees lupin his eyes yellow.

"Did you forget to take your potion again?" Severus asks trying to stay calm. Thank Merlin Harry's not here.

"No and I have time before the change comes." Lupin says keeping severus on the wall.

Severus tries to grab his wand but lupin grabs his hand. "What do you want lupin."

"You made my godson think your his soulmate."

Severus rolls his eyes. "Hes not really even your godson. Hes Blacks. All you did is marry Black."

Remus punches him and throws him on the floor. Severus tries to get up but Remus kicks him then leavs.

Severus slowly gets up and goes to his room a little quicker and looks in the mirror seeing a bruise. He uses a cleaning potion then just lays on the bed. And gets no sleep all night.

Meanwhile at dinner harry notices neather Severus or remus showed up. He knows remus change is coming up and probably cant. Though he doesnt knkw why Severus wont. He figures hell just ask tomorrow.

"So Saturday me and Severus are going to go on a date." Harry tells Ron and Hermione.

"Thate grate. What did severus say?" Hermione asks.

"Well he said he has no money but I told him ill pay and to meet me at the gate."

They nod and Ron says, "were you guys going to go?"

Harry tells them them dinner ends and they go to bed. Harry having truble sleeping because he is to excited for Saturday.

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