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Severus paces the room scared, Harry might be mad at him for pushing him, Sirius and Remus might make harry hate him now. "Stupid." Severus mumbles shaking his head. "Of course this good thing was to good to last. I cant have anything." 

Then there is a knock on the door. "Sev. They left can you let me in."

Severus jumps at the sudden noise swearing it sounded louder than a normal knock. Hes lieing, theyll come in and hurt you.

Harry waits a few minutes then knocks softly. "Severus please?"

Severus stays still and quiet feeling his breathing quicken. Hes going to hurt me. they want to kill me harry hates me. Severus thinks to himself.

End it before they do. You know the blade always made you feel better. Severus without thinking nods in agreement. It always quieted the voices and thoughts. 

Harry tries Alohomora surprised it worked. Harry walks in and sees Severus about to cut himself. Harry grabs the knife and tosses it aside. Severus flinches and looks at Harry suprised he got in.

"Why didnt you let me in?" Harry asks softly.

"You hate me." Severus mumbles.

Harry frowns. "No i dont. I love you. If i hated you i wouldnt of defended you."

"You defended me?"

"Of course."

Severus looks down trying to prosses that.

"I love you. No matter what they say." Harry says and pulls severus to him hugging him.

Severus smiles and cuddle to him relaxing slightly. "Harry?"


"We missed breakfast and will soon be late to classes."

"Oh. Well. Lets skip and go to hogsmead for breakfast?"

"We cant skip." Severus says softly.

Harry pouts. "Come ooon."

"Harry we-"

"You deserve a break. Come on no buts." Harry says taking him to the bedroom so severus can change.

Severus glances at Harry and harry stepe out of the room to let him change.

Severus sighs and slowly changes and runs his fingrrs though his hair so he dosnt need to brush it.

Harry smiles as Severus comes back and smiles. "Ready?"

Severus nods and Harry takes his hand and leads him to Hogsmead. Severus looks around and lets harry take him to the three broomsticks.

They take a seat and order the food. Harry smiles and takes his hand. "You ok?"

Severus nods and holds his hand fidgeting. 

"Good." There food then comes and they eat. Severus not eating as much.

Severus smils and look down.

Harry pays and leads severus out and decides to stop by honeydukes since they are there.

Severus follows Harry biting his lip feeling like he is being followed but dosnt say anything sure its not real. There is no need to worry Harry about somthing that isnt there.

Harry gets a few things then looks at Severus seeing that he seems worried. "Are you ok Severus?"

Severus nods and grins.

"Do you want anything?"

Severus shakes his head.

Harry nods and goes and pays for what he has then takes him back to Hogwarts.

Severus glances behind himself now and then swearing some one is following.

Harry glances at him frowning slightly. "Are you sure your ok?"

Severus nods and crosses his arms hugging himself. When they go inside Mcgongal is standing in the entrance stern looking.

"Hello Headmjstriss." Severus mumbles.

"To my office now." She says like she is talking ti two first years who decided to skip.

Both of them head to the headmasters office feeling that way.

"Im sorry Severus. I didnt mean for us to get in trouble."

Severus shrugs.

Harry frowns as they go in and sit down. Severus keeps his head down and Harry looks at the potrait of Dumbldore who smiles at him. "Hello Harry. Severus."

Harry smiles but Severus dosnt look up. "Hello Dumbldore."

Then mcgongal walks in. "You two should be mature enough to nof sneak off when there are classes. You are both adults and Severus you know you have a job."

"Its my fault proffesore. Severus reminded me but he just seemed so stressed tbe past few days and i figured id give him a break." Harry says before Severus gets the chance to say anything.

Mcgongal sighs. "Harry can you please step out. Neather of you are in trouble. There are still a classes left before lunch. So go join."

Harry glances at Severus then leavs.

Severus looks at Mcgongal unsure what is going to Happen.

"I know that one of you must have been self harminh in order to find eachother. Remus told me it was you. That Harry told him so. They came to me this morning saying they tried to talk to Harry, and that he defended you. That he knows how it feels to be bullied and abused. I regret not helping you. But if you need anything Severus. A break. Or mental help-"

"I dont need help." Severus says quickly. "Im fine."

Mcgongal sighs. "Ok. But if there is anything i can do just ask."

Severus nods.

"You can skip the rest kf classes today. But dont take any more breaks without talking to me first."

Severus nods again.

"You can go back to your chambers."

Severus silently leavs.

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