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In the morning Severus wakes up and remembers what happened with Harry. He sighs and gets up looking at the small string of flowers. He changes and goes to breakfast and sits at his seat not bothering to hide the flowers.

Lupin notices though and says, "Your soulmate hurt themselves?"

"None of your business." Severus says and places his hand underneath the table.

"Have you at least found out who they are and why?" Lupin asks curiously. 

Severus glares at him and says, "If you don't stop asking questions ill have a new fur coat after this coming full moon." 

"Behave boys." McGonagall says sternly. 

They both turn to their plates and start to eat. Severus glances at harry who has been taking glances at Snape and talking quietly to his friends. Severus figures he told his two friends and wonders what they think. But if he told them that must mean they know he has cut. 

Severus pushes the thought of anyone but harry knowing about that away and just focuses on his food. So for once Severus ate everything on his plate and drank everything in his goblet. 

McGonagall smiles seeing that for once Severus has ate more than a few bites but does not say anything. No need to discourage him from taking care of himself. 

Then classes start and everyone heads to were they need to be.

When Harrys last class ends witch is potions he waits for everyone to leave and walks up to Severus. "Hello Severus." Harry says smiling.

"Didn't I say I don't want to see you tell you have finished your homework?" Severus replies looking down at him. 

"The only work I have is from you and I have questions." Harry says smiling innocently.

Severus rolls his eyes. "You have a book. Use it." 

Harrys smile falters a little and he says, "Well we all know, me you and Hermione more so, that the book has errors."

Severus sighs knowing he has a point and says, "okay fine ask away brat." 

"Oh I just love the nicknames you have for me." Harry says sarcastically then starts asking questions and doing his work. 

When finished harry puts up his paper and says, "thank you Severus." 

"Your welcome harry. So now I have a questions for you." Severus replies and sits at his desk.

Harry stands at the other side and rests his elbows on it looking at him. "Yes?"

"have you told Lupin and your friends about this whole soulmate thing?" Severus asks crossing his arms.

"Ive told Ron and Hermione when I found out. I have not told Remus. I'm not sure how Sirius and him would react. I know you three don't get along." 

Severus nods in agreement. "I don't mind who you tell harry. And I understand if you don't want to tell anyone." 

"I want to I do. I just wasn't sure if you want me to." 

Severus shrugs. "You can. It wont really effect me."

Harry goes and stands next to severus. "I'll tell remus and other weaslys."

Severus nods and looks at harry silently.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks.

"Yes. Just confused is all." Severus replies. "Its time for dinner. Let's go." Severus stands up and silently lead harry to the great hall. And harry silently follows.

Harry goes to his friends and sits down. "I think hes warming up to me." Harry tells them smiling.

Ron nods. "He helped you with home work and didnt kick you out so I'd agree."

Harry looks up at severus who is now not eating anything. Harry remembers he didnt even show up for lunch and wonders if hes really okay. Tomarrow he will ask severus about his mental health.

Severus looks at harry still comfused about why he is okay with this. He then looks away and decides to leave early and he takes the teachers exit and goes to his room.

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