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Severus wakes up and sees a sleeping harry curled up at his side. He smiles and starts to play with his hair thinking that this is the best sleep he's had for weeks. Severus kisses his forehead and plays more with his hair.

Harry wakes up and looks up at Severus. "Good morning Sev."

"Good morning love." Severus says smiling.

Harry cuddles more to him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did. Did you?"

Harry nods and cuddles more to him. Severus smiles more and cuddles harry to him. Harry nuzzles his chest.

"Is there anything you want to do?" Severus asks him.

Harry shakes his head no. "This is fine."

Severus smiles and holds him tighter. Harry cuddles more to him smiling and buries his face into Severus chest. Severus smiles down at Harry and plays with his hair then says, "What do you think about moving into my quarters."

Harry looks at him. "Well I wouldn't mind but I don't want to burden you."

"You wouldn't be a burden. I am sure it'd be fine. I can even ask McGonagall for permission. Though I don't see why she wouldn't allow it." Severus says smiling.

"Well I-I guess. If its okay with you and McGonagall." Harry says and plays with Severus shirt sleeve.

Severus smiles. "Great. How about you go and get dressed and tell your friends I did not harm you and ill get dressed and ask Mcgonagal and Ill find you when I get the answer."

Harry nods. "Okay sev!" Harry gets up and kisses Severus cheek. "I will see you later Sevy!"

Severus smiles and watches harry walk away. Then Severus goes and changes and goes to McGonagall office. He nocks on the door and she answers. "hey Severus how are you?"

"I'm great Headmistress. I was just wondering if itd be okay for Harry to move into my rooms." Severus says grinning.

She nods. "of course Severus."

Severus smiles. "thank you headmistress."

She nods and they go to the great hall for breakfast. Harry is already with his friends telling them about the date and everything as Severus goes to his seat.

Severus looks at harry smiling and eats a little bit. Harry looks up at him and smiles then goes back to talking to Ron and Hermione. Severus frowns as he starts to hear whispers. "Shut up." he mumbles.

remus and McGonagall looks at him. "no one said anything." remus says

Severus glares at him then gets up and leavs the great hall through the teachers entrance.

Harry notices Severus left then walks out and goes to find him. harry goes to there room and looks around but hes not there so he continues to look.

Severus walks around the school then goes outside. Not really having any destination in mind. He walks to the lake and stands there looking at the water quietly trying to clear his mind.

"Severus there you are." Harry says running up to Severus smiling.

Severus jumps and looks at him. "Hello love."

"Why did you leave early?" Harry asks.

Severus just shrugs and looks at the lake again. Harry goes up to him and hugs him. "Are you okay?"

"Of course love. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You left early and I was wondering if something was wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I just felt like going for a walk."

"Oh ok."

Severus grins. "Well I wouldn't mind if you accompany me."

Harry smiles and takes Severus hand. "If you want me to." 

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want you to."

"Technically you didn't ask." 

Severus grins shaking his head.

"Whaaaat." Harry whines. 

"Your you."

"Whats that supposed to mean." 

"Nothing." Severus says shrugging.

Harry pouts. "Your mean."

"Am not."

"are to."

"Am not"

"Are to."


"Yes!" Harry says covering his mouth.

Severus looks down at him raising an eyebrow.

"What ya going to do hu?"

Severus bites him.

Harry whines and pulls his hand away. "Meanie."

"Your cute."

Harry blushes.

Severus boops him and walks away.

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