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Do you wanna tell me whats got Jeno being all "confident gay" ?

Oh I kinda told him I'm in love with him

Oh ok

Wait what?! When did this happen?!

Two nights ago...

Bish I'm your best friend and you didnt tell me?

I was going to! But then you got sick -_-

Well I'm glad you did it

Are you guys dating now? 😗

No? Idk?

Wym 'No'?


ell I told him I loved him and he told me he loved me too and that was kind of the end of it. He didn't ask me to be his boyfriend or anything.

You guys didnt talk about it at all since it happened?


Oh my god hyuckie what do I do 😭

You could ask him?

What if he doesn't want to be my boyfriend?

Why tf wouldn't he want to be your boyfriend Nana?

Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to date them. Like what if he doesn't want a relationship rn?

Too close to home. Look bby, I think he definitely would want to be your boyfriend. Now get ur ass over here so we can get ready. We are gonna have a night tonight 💅

"Too loose."
"Too long."
"That's way too short Nana!"
"This is way too tight hyuck!"

They went arguing back and forth with each other on outfits before they finally settled with the perfect ones.

"Sit here and I'll do your hair," Donghyuck told Jaemin, pointing to the spot on the floor that was facing a mirror.

Donghyuck took a seat on the bed pulling out all his hair styling stuff and began on the slightly younger boys hair.

"So are you gonna ask him?" Donghyuck went in with his favorite hair product.

"No way, it was scary just confessing," Jaemin sighed, pulling his phone out to scroll through Instagram.

"Are you gonna tell Mark?" Jaemin looked at him through the mirror. He felt Donghyucks hands in his hair stop for a second before continuing.

"Jeno really loves you," Donghyuck grabbed his flat iron and plugged it in. "He has been for a long time Nana. He isn't gonna run away if you ask him to be your boyfriend."

Jaemin eyed his best friend. His words sounding oddly familiar. Oh. He said something very similar to Chenle when he went on his first date.

He thinks about the young couple. He knows Jisung, he basically raised him. He can clearly see his feelings for Chenle regardless of what Chenle sees. Jisung would never think anything negative about the younger.

He can't be a hypocrite now can he?

"Hyuckie?" Jaemin looked at Donghyuck again through the mirror. He looked like a little bear, his eyes focused on Jaemins hair and a little pout on his face because of a strand that wasn't doing what he wanted.

"Hmm?" Donghyuck hummed, finally looking back at Jaemin through the mirror.

"Are you doing ok?" Jaemin asked softly. He knew his best friend, inside and out. He knew him better than Mark, better than Jeno, better than Renjun and better than both his children.

Something is off.

Jaemin can tell by the small bags under his eyes, ones that would be invisible to anyone else. The usually talkative boy was quiet and mellow, calm even. He was a bit skinnier than he used to be, losing his adorable full cheeks. His nails looked like they've been chewed on a bit more than usual despite the shiny coat of nail polish on them. Some days his eyes and nose were a bit redder than usual. He had stopped coming to visit the coffee shop, stopped visiting the Boba shop, sometimes not meeting them for classes or working on homework in the library for lunch. He didn't beam anymore, no more pearly whites came to greet them.

It was like the sun was dimmed.

Most people wouldn't notice these small things about someone else. But Jaemin notices everything about Donghyuck and vise versa. They are best friends. Forever and Jaemin will do anything to keep his Haechan happy just like Donghyuck would do anything to keep his Jaeminnie happy.

Jaemin wanted to know what was wrong but he wasn't going to push. He knows that Donghyuck will tell him eventually.

"I'm alright," Donghyuck sighed with a small smile before leaning forward.  He circled his arms around Jaemin's shoulders from behind. He rested his chin on the top of Jaemin's head and closed his head.

He giggled before speaking softly, "You're my favorite Jaeminnie, my absolute favorite." He gave him a soft squeeze, placing a quick kiss on top of Jaemin's head.

Jaemin smiled before holding Donghyucks forearm and giving it a soft squeeze, "You're my favorite too hyuckie."

Donghyuck returned to finishing Jaemins hair as the other boy continued scrolling through his phone.

Jaemin gasped loudly before forcefully turning around to face Donghyuck.

"Woah! woah! Watch it you lunatic! There is a hot tool in my hand! Are you crazy?" Donghyuck pulled the flat iron back quickly, trying not to scorch his friend in the face.

"Haechan come with me," Jaemin gave him puppy eyes. "Text Mark and tell him not to pick us up and we will meet them all there once we're done."

"Done? Done with what exactly?" Donghyuck sighed, frowning slightly because he didn't know if Jaemins hair could handle the cold air outside for too long. He just slaved over this boys hair, he better not ruin it for something stu-

Jaemin turned his phone screen to face Donghyuck and he immediately got the idea.

Donghyuck raised both his eyebrows before smiling fondly.


A/N: I live for Nahyuck besties 🥺

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