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Dolphin.scream.: He shoots a basketball once and thinks he's a gangster ✌ @Jisung.Pwark

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Mini.Nana: My Jisungie? A gangster? I didn't not raise you to be like this @Jisung.Pwark
   ↪Jisung.Pwark: @Mini.Nana im sorry mom >-<

Morklee: Gangster Park should join the basketball team next year
   ↪Dolphin.scream.: @Morklee i tried to tell him that but he just scoffed at me!

ImyourFullsun: You two are still babies tho
   ↪Injunnie._.323: @ImyourFullsun look who's talking Mr. "I can't finish my test on an empty stomach."

Johnny.Seo: Geez you kids are scary now a days.
   ↪Dolphin.scream.: @Johnny.Seo 😊

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