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"Oh Jaeminnie," Donghyuck petted Jaemins hair. How could he let this happen to his best friend? He felt tears well up in his eyes as he lightly dragged a finger over Jaemins cheek bone.

He was always fucking up.

After Jaemin passed out, Donghyuck dragged him to his room and put him on the bed.

The bruises on his face and arms making his stomach lurch.

"Yo hyuck!" Jeno called from the door.

Donghyuck rushed to the door and opened it. There was Jeno and Mark, who looked panicky and sweaty.

"Where's Jaemin?" Jeno pushed his way past Donghyuck and into the living room.

"He's in my bedroom but before-"

Jeno pushed the door open to come face to face with a sight that made his heart drop and his blood boil. There laid Jaemin, eyes closed, his pretty face was bruised and from what he could see his arms too.

Jeno gripped the door handle before shutting the door.

"What the fuck happened?!" Jeno stomped up to Donghyuck.

"Woojin," Donghyuck swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Woojin?" Mark mumbled, furrowing his brows at the name of their teammate.

"He's been harassing Jaemin," Donghyuck whispered.

"He fucking what?" Jeno spat in anger, clenching his jaw and balling his fists.

"I swear to god I'll fucking kill him," Jeno growled, his glare was deadly. There was a promise laced in his eyes.

"I don't know how long exactly, I only found out a few we-"

"You fucking knew and didnt say anything?!" Jeno glared harder, his anger overtaking him. He fists Donghyucks collar, lifting him high off the ground.

Donghyuck yelped and screwed his eyes shut. He knew he should have told Jeno as soon as he found out.

Jeno was never particularly violent and he was never aggressive. Jeno was the group's puppy. He was kind, sweet, popular and athletic. He has a smile that could make anybody's heart melt. The only time that kind boy dissapeared was any type of threat to Na Jaemin.

Jeno and Jaemin met when Mark and Haechan joined their friend groups together when they were in middle school. Jeno instantly became protective of the younger when he saw him and even more so when he found out that he was being bullied because he was friends with Jeno and Mark.

When Jaemin cries, Jeno instantly feels the need to have him within a 1 foot reaching distance or closer, completely safe and protected. When Jaemin's hurt, he glares and practically growls at anybody that isnt in their friend group that tries to come near him. When Jaemin's sick, Jeno is the only one allowed near his bedside. When Jaemin is getting bullied or threatened, its game over. Jeno will rip them apart limb for limb. Though it only happened once (Jaemin was tripped by some kid on the bus) Jeno had 'accidentally' busted the kids nose.

A threatened Jaemin is a big no-no on Jeno's list.

"Jeno, the fuck are you doing? Calm down," Mark spat, shoving Jeno off Donghyuck and pulling Donghyuck behind him.

"He fucking knew Mark!" Jeno glared at Donghyuck, who was peering at him guility behind Mark's shoulder.

"I know but you didnt even let him explain," Mark glared back at the ravenette, almost daring him to try a stunt like that again.

The thing about a protective Jeno Lee was, yes, he could be dangerous but  there was an equally protective and dangerous Mark Lee too.

Though they would probably never actually fight (they love each other too much for that). If Donghyuck and Jaemin got involved, Mark and Jeno just might kill each other.

"Finish Donghyuck," Mark called behind him, still keeping his eyes locked on Jeno's.

"I found out a few weeks ago and the first thing I told Jaemin was to tell you," Donghyuck said in a whisper, now scared of the reaction. "He told me he couldn't."

"Why the hell would he say that?" Jeno asked bewildered.

Donghyuck stayed silent.

"Donghyuck you better tell me right now-"

"I can't!" Donghyuck cried out.

"Why?" Jeno brows furrowed in concern at the thought of Jaemin keeping something from him.

"It's better for Jaemin to tell you himself," Donghyuck whispered.

"Donghyuck if you-" Jeno growled again before being cut off from a low groan in the bedroom.

"Haechannie..." A pained voice came from the bedroom.

"Go to him Jeno," Donghyuck whispered.

Jeno locked eyes with him before turning around and quietly entering the bedroom.

The door closing softly behind him.

Donghyuck felt the first tear roll down his cheek.

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