"Haechannie," Mark called from his room.
"Markolie," Donghyuck called back from where he was stirring a pot on the stove.
"Which movie do you want?" Mark's voice called again.
"Uh, you pick," Donghyuck yelled, moving to the cutting board beside the stove and starts chopping onions.
Mark lee was sure a lot of work. Donghyuck doesnt understand why he even puts up with him. Oh wait, he does. It's because he has a big fat crush on the older boy since the day he met him. He loves the way he smiles at him and the way he makes him feel safe.
Mark Lee is perfect and he will try to be perfect for Mark Lee.
"Oh shit no no no," Donghyuck yelps and gasps, cradling his hand to his chest.
"Hey, what happened? Is everything ok?" He can hear Mark's panicked questions from the other room.
"I'm fine," He yells back.
He rushes to the sink and runs his bloody finger under the water. He hopes that he didn't get any blood on Mark's floor or countertop.
"Ugh, why wont you stop?" Donghyuck whines at his bleeding finger.
"Everything good?" Mark comes into the room.
"Mhmm," Donghyuck voices out but it sounds a bit strangled in his throat. He never liked the look of blood.
"You sure?" Mark questions again.
Donghyuck takes his finger out from under the tap and grabs a paper towel, wrapping the injured finger in it. He keeps his body turned away from Mark.
"Yeah, I was just washing my hands," Donghyuck squeezes the paper towel a bit tighter than he should of and let's out a small whimper.
"Hyuck, there is blood on the knife," Mark sighs.
Donghyuck sighs and turns around. Mark is looking at him with that stupid Mark Lee face #6. (Yes, he has numbers for each of the Mark Lee faces.) #6: A concerned Mark Lee. His eyebrows are slightly raised and his puppy brown eyes are wide, his lips are jutted into a small subconscious pout. As cute as it is, Donghyuck doesn't like that face directed to him.
"Hey! Hey! You dont need to cry sunshine! It's okay!" Mark rushes towards him faster than lighting and before he knows it he feels large and slightly calloused hands on his cheeks. His thumbs rubbing off tears softly and his mouth is spewing comforting words.
"Crying?" Donghyuck furrows his brows together. He takes a step back from Mark and puts his hand on his face and rubs. There is something wet there.
"OH! I wasn't crying because of my finger. I was cutting onions," Donghyuck let's out a small laugh.
Mark's not laughing though. He's frowning the more Donghyuck looks at him.
"Uh, you good?" Donghyuck waves his uninjured hand in front of his face.
"We need to get you cleaned up," Mark grabs towards his waist and lifts him.
He chucks him over his shoulder and makes his way towards the bathroom."MARK LEE ARE YOU CRAZY?! ITS LITERALLY A FINGER! I CAN WALK PERFECTLY FINE," Donghyuck yells throwing punches at his back with one hand.
"You've lost weight," Is all Mark says as he sets Donghyuck down in front of the mirror and turns him around.
He runs his finger under cold water one more time. The bleeding had slowed down quite a bit at this point, all he needs is a bandaid.
"Here," Mark grabs his hand and wraps a cute watermelon bandaid around his finger.
"Cute," Donghyuck smiles at his finger. When he looks up again, Mark's face is a little red and he's rubbing his neck.
"Mark Lee," Donghyuck snaps, pointing his finger at him. "If you ever do that again, I will kick you so hard in the balls that you will feel it for a week."
"Noted," Mark surrenders throwing up both his hands.
"Alright, well I need to finish dinner," Donghyuck turns to leave.
"I'll come with you," Mark decides. "I can't even leave you in my kitchen without you causing some kind of trouble."
"You know what," Donghyuck scoffs. "I take it back, you dont get to choose the movie tonight."
"But I already chose the lion king," Mark protests.
"Too bad, we are watching Mulan and that is final."

Nct Dream |Instagram| [Nomin , Markhyuck , Chensung]
FanficNomin. Markhyuck. Chensung.