Chapter 12: The Great and Powerful Show

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For the past few days Sun has been doing her homework assignments, going to school with her friends, and spending some time with her friends and family. Sun feels like she have thing she want and need but still feels like a part of her is missing since she still haven't regain her memory.

On Thursday:

Sun and her friends are at school going to class. Sun also knows that tomorrow the superintendent is coming to the school. She is also worried about hearing his reputation, but she is going to try to take her mind off of it and try to be with her friends.

All the students including Sun and the girls are having lunch until the lights turned off all of the sudden. Everyone in the room have no idea what's going on until.

"Ladies and Gentlemen come one, come all, and get ready for the Great and Powerful Trixie," A girl's voice screams in the room. Then a pack of blue smoke appear.

"Who?" Sun asks who is really confused of what she is seeing.

"Trixie," Pinkie replies a little annoyed.

"That girl is a total loudmouth," Rainbow says annoyed.

"Most unpleasant show off," Rarity adds.

"All hat and no cattle either," Applejack adds as well.

"So she boast a lot?" Sun replies questionably.

"You could say that," Fluttershy replies uncertain.

"And who are those two girls with her?" Sun asks.

"Those girls are her assistants Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace they help her with her magic show," Pinkie answers with a smile on her face.

"Oh! So they are also part of her show?" Sun asks.

"Yep," Pinkie answers.

"Okay for Trixie's first trick Trixie will need someone from the audience," Trixie says in a third person. She is trying to decide who is her assistant is until she see who is the person who is going to be part of her trick.

"How about you new bee," Trixie says point to Sun.

"Me?" Sun ask unsure,

"Yes you," Trixie answers.

"Okay," Sun replies unsure.

Then Sun makes her way to where Trixie and her assistants are. When she got there, Trixie's assistants bring a box on stage. Sun is curious of what the box is for.

"For this trick, The Great and Powerful Trixie will make the new student disappear!" Trixie says while screaming her name.

Rainbow groans and says, "That old trick, this is so boring,"

"You can say that again. I can't believe she's making Sun a part of her stupid trick," Apple replies annoyed as Rainbow Dash is.

"Now Sun all you have to do is get in this box," Trixie instructs Sun to go inside the box.

"Okay," Sun agrees and yet confused.

"Now Trixie's assistant Lavender will closed the box and there is now way out of there and when Trixie says the magic words my assistants will spin the box and she will disappear!" Trixie screams to the audience in a third person. During that time Lavender Lace closes the box with Sun inside. Sun isn't sure about this trick especially she the one being part of the trick.

Trixie waves her hands and screams at the box saying, "Abracadabra!"

Then Lavender and Fuchsia spin the box with Sun inside and stop it. What everyone guess that the box is facing the back side which is identical to the front. Inside the box Sun feels dizzy after the spin and feels like she is going to be sick.

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