- C h a p t e r F o u r -

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Shai's P.O.V

I wake refreshed. That herb bath had a better effect than last time. I grab my gown and tie it around myself. I yawn and sing my usual 'good morning, good morning'. I make myself some organic pancakes, which I wolf them down in mainly greed. Once I'm finished I shower and change into ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and a black jacket.

I hear knocking and the door, so I skip to the door.

"Zoë!" I smile and hug her. I do loving hugs.

"You seem happy." She pauses. "Well...you always are." I chuckle and Zoë confused, looks at me weirdly.

"Zoë, so what are you doing here?" I ask running my fingers through my hair. Short hair.

"Shai. We're all going for drinks, all day. Since none of us have filming today we all planned-"

"Right. Let's go." I'm about to shut the door but I stop myself. I grab my shoulder bag and shut the door.

Me, Zoë, Miles, Ansel and Theo are all going for drinks. We go to some local club were it's too dark for anyone to recognise us and they are all drunk anyway.

"Shai!" Theo says ushering me closer to him. He's not drunk, he's acting.

"Stop it." I say whacking his chest.

"Why?" He whines. He's too close. Ansel is already smirking at us and right now I don't want anyone else to find out.

"Ansel's already onto us, look." I use my eyes to point to Ansel. He folliws my eyes and grins.

"He already knows anyway." He says smugly.

"Shush." I say. I head over to Zoë but Theo pulls me back to him by my wrist.

"See you in a bit."

Me and Zoë have a few drinks then decide to call it time. We find Ansel, Miles and Theo on the dance floor.

"We're going to get food!" We shout over the music. Considering it's dinner time anyway.

"Let's go." Says Theo.

"We're staying here!" Ansel and Miles repetitively repeat.

"Whatever." Zoë says. And we go.

It's only a street or two away where we find a café which does organic and unhealthy food. I end up having organic pasta and tomato paste, Zoë has a chicken burger and Theo decides to has a hot toasted sandwich with ham and salad on it. We eat in pretty much silence, saying the odd bit in between mouthfuls of food.

"Just nipping to the loo." Zoë excuses herself and leaves. Theo grins at me when she goes.

"Finally," He reaches out across the table and takes my hands. "I thought it was going to stay awkward the whole time..."

"Tell me about it," I say smiling. Theo squeezes my hands. "How are you?" I ask.

"Great, Shai. You?"

"Good. When are my parents and bro coming then?" I ask excited.

"Hmm..." He pauses grinning. "Tomorrow."

"What?" I say annoyed. "But that's meabs I have to deal with hangover in front of them!" I groan.

"I'll look after you." Theo says.

"Well, you better had." I chuckle then pause. "Are we going to tell my family?"

"If you want." He smiles sweetly.

"Maybe we should wait for a bit. We'll get them to visit another time. Later..." I say.

"So you don't want to admit that we're together?" He says. I can't tell if he's being serious or joking. He looks serious.

"I do but-"

"No, I'm joking." I let go of one of his hands and slap it gently.

"That's not funny." He shrugs.

"It was to me." He laughs and somehow I end up laughing myself. Theo is constantly making me laugh. And I love it. Me and Theo were the bestest of friends, which all started from Divergent. We'd joke about dating and innuendos during interviews. I knew he was joking but sometimes I wished that he did have feelings for me, like I did for him. Now that's all happened it doesn't feel real. I feel like I'm constantly acting. Maybe it's because it only started yesterday but it's still real. Maybe it's because no one knows yet. Especially the media. God knows what would happen if they did know. 'Sheo' would be real. People have already accused us of dating, which Ruth and Theo used to argue about a lot. I always felt bad. Ruth is a nice person but she gets very jealous of me and Theo 'friends'. But now they aren't dating and me and Theo are, it's fine. Even if she is jealous.

I spot Zoë coming out of the toilets and I quickly pull my hands away from Theo. He reaches out for my hands but then sees Zoë and stops.

"Everything okay?" She asks, suspicious.

"Yup." I glance at Theo then eat some more of my pasta. Zoë sits and beguns eating again. Me and Theo share glances throughout the whole meal.

When we finish we head back to the club to find Miles and Ansel. We spot them and Zoë goes ahead of me and Theo.

"She so nearly caught us, Theo." I say quietly in his ear due to the loud music.


"Theo, we've been dating for one day."

"And?" He laughs and I chuckle nervously.

It's around 11:00pm when we all head back to the hotel. I'm a bit out if my head but Theo is looking after me. Ansel was assigned by Theo to look after Miles and Zoë. But they are all just as drunk as each other. Me and Theo go to my room, I flop onto my bed and yawn.

"I'm tired!" I yell. Theo shush my by closing a hand over my mouth. I lick his hand.

"Shai!" He whispers annoyed. He wipes his hand on my t-shirt. "Come on, get changed." I begin taking my shirt off, he stops me. "I'm going to wait in the hallway for you, okay?" I nod, not really taking in wait he's saying.

Theo's P.O.V

I go outside to wait in the hallway. Shai nearly got changed in front of me. I know I've seen her topless in the filming for Insurgent but I want to wait for anything like that to happen. I want both of us to at least remember it...

I wait until Shai comes to get me. Her pajama top is showing her hip but she's covered otherwise. I nervously chuckle and go in, past her. She shuts the door and I pull her shirt down to cover her. She laughs.

"That tickled!" She says loudly.

"Shai, shush!" I say.

"Sorry!" She whispers. I chuckle.

"Come on, get in bed." I say leading her to her bed. She jumps onto her bed and crawls under the covers. When I catch her popping her head out of the cover, I kiss her head. "Night, Shai." I smile and leave.

"Night!" She shouts, I cringe. She's so loud when she's drunk.

Theo's face in the picture:') OMG!

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