- C h a p t e r E i g h t -

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Shai's P.O.V

I have no idea how long we're staring at each other but a knock on the door interrupts us. I look at Theo, he stands up. Which looks weird. Especially if someone just walked in then Theo would be just getting off the floor and me just sat on the chair staring at him. Theo gets the door and I run to the kitchen, everything normal here... I grab the plates on the way into the kitchen 'washing up'. I turn the tap on.

"Oh...Hi, come in." I hear Theo say. And immediately, I'm confused. Why is he confused too? Even shocked? I let the tap run until it turns warm. I put the plug in and add a homemade washing up liquid, well, powder. I drop the plates into the water, causing a mini Michael Bay explosion. I don't laugh like I normally would because I'm nervous. I don't want to turn around, I feel like someone's going to creep up on me. And I'm not going to like it. I'll scream, throw water at their face.

"Shai, come sit down would you?" Theo says from near the door. I hear it shut. Oh no. I breathe in deep and turn to face them both. Oh heavens above...


"Look, we've both told you before." Theo says sternly. I nod. My it is time to tell him.

"Theo, I've seen how close you two are, I know your dating. Shai, I thought you said that you never wanted to date other actors."

"I'm not!" I burst. And I hate it. Bursts are like an angry bubble popped and I don't like to put that influence on people. And right now, especially not my brother. Oh, Tanner.

"We aren't dating." Theo says. My face grows hot and Theo shifts uncomfortably beside me. I uncross my legs and clear my throat.

"When Insurgent filming and wrap party are done with, Theo is going to visit his family. In England, do you think if we were dating that I'd let him go?" I lie. Completely lie, to my own brother. All for Theo. Theo's head turns my way, he pulls somewhat of a frown but his eyebrows are raised. Is Tanner really going to believe me now? Tanner turns to Theo and Theo turns to Tanner.

"You are?" Tanner asks him. He nods and then coughs.

"Yes, I'm visiting England..." He pauses and then gains his confidence. "To see my family." He finally says.

"Maybe you are right, if you were dating, Shai wouldn't let you go...She insistent." Finally.

"Yeah, I know." Theo says, I cringe. He could've just dropped us in it again. "She's like that on set too...Aren't you?" He says. Nice save.

"Yeah." I say bluntly. Tanner rises and clap his hands together.

"I'll be back soon." He says, I stand up and hug him.

"Bye, Tanner." I say quietly.

"Shai, I'm probably going to get off now." Theo says as well. I let go of Tanner and have to make a decision. Hug Theo or don't hug Theo. Probably shouldn't, but I do anyway. I lean myself into him, his height making me turn my head to my side, leaning against his shoulder. Theo carefully places his hands, eventually deciding to land them around my shoulder blades. I pull away quickly. Nothing between us here.

"Bye!" I say to them both as they leave. Tanner and Theo shake hands and I'm surprised Tanner didn't even offer an apology. But I won't hold a grudge. I wait by the door, for Theo to come back in. He doesn't. Be like that then.

I wait a while, he still doesn't come. I walk out my door, straight to Theo's door. Past Ansel, Zoë and Miles' rooms. I pound my fist on the door twice. Theo opens it, his face unenthusiastic to see me. I land myself into his arms, it takes a while for him to put his arms around me. I frown and pull away. I avoid eye contact with him.

"You know, I'm going to have to leave you and go to England soon. We haven't got much filming left to do." He says. I look at him, breaking the no-eye-contact rule.

"No you don't." I say sternly. I will miss him. He will not go.

"I'm going to have to now-"

"No, you don't." I say more sternly and louder.

"Shai, come in." I cross my arms. He takes my arm and pulls me into his room. I frown. Hr shuts the door. "You dropped us in this, Shai."

"But we're going to have to follow through with this." He says calmly. I don't know how he's so calm. He'll be leaving me.

"We can't-"

"Shai, we'll talk about this closer to the time, okay?" He says. His hand gently touches my cheek.

"Your making us leave an unresolved issue." I say quietly.

"I'm not going to let it get between us." He whispers to me.

"Okay." I say, I'm not content but Theo wants us to stop fighting, so I will. He presses his lips to mine and smiles into our kiss. I can't help but smile back. It's still on my mind though but I need to forget.

"Theo-" I break apart immediately, pushing Theo away from me. He's stunned at first, until he looks at the door. He gulps but I look up and sigh with relief. "Just me." Ansel says. "Uh, I was just reminding you that we're filming tomorrow..."

"Uhh, okay." Theo says. He scratches the back of his neck. This is so awkward. I clasp my hands together and shrug my shoulders up.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted a drink or too but... I'll leave." I smile and Ansel smiles back. He leaves and I release my shrugged shoulder  as I unclasp my hands. I turn to Theo.

"It's a good job it was just him." I say. Theo walks to me, taking my hands in his.

"I don't care if anyone finds out, but your brother. He'll kill me." I laugh and Theo begins to laugh along with me.

"He's going to find out soon..." I say after our laughing settles.

"I know." He replies. We say no more, I fall against him. I take my arms and rap them around his torso. He puts his arms around my back and I rest my head at his left shoulder.

Another update like I said Ugh. School. Today my eyes were drooping in English... I'm going to try sleep tonight for at very least eight hours

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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