- C h a p t e r O n e -

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Shai's P.O.V

I'm incredibly nervous about tomorrow. Me and Theo have to do our FourTris love scene for Insurgent. I don't want to lie so, I can't say I don't want to do it but it's nervously exciting. Theo has never seen me like that. Recently, he broke it off with Ruth. He wouldn't tell anyone why, he made the excuse up that it wasn't working. They'd been dating over a year... So I guess that means he's on the market. Good. I do like Theo. I can't help my feelings, I can try  but I don't think it's been working. Zoë has been winking at me every time Theo even looks at me. It makes me blush every time. Theo hasn't really been himself lately either. With his usual sexual innuendos and rude euphemisms, flirty actions and loving affection. I say loving but his affection probably isn't loving when Theo thinks of them. But I see them as loving because like him.

"Shai?" I hear a voice call. I turn to my bedroom door, shocked at the voice.

"Miles?" I say staring at the masculine figure.

"Yeah, Shai, are you coming?"


"Me, Zoë, Ansel and Theo are going to mine for a bit of drink and a few snacks." He shrugs. I look down. I'm sat on my bed, in my pajamas with my hair in a mess.

"Uh, I'll get ready." I cough awkwardly and Miles disappears. Looks like I left my room door open. All of the Insurgent cast have a room in this private hotel so it doesn't matter if I do leave my door open.

I change into a loose t-shirt and loose black pants. I go with bare feet because Miles' room is only a few doors down. I go in, everyone is lounging around on seats and Miles lying on his bed catching chips into his mouth. I smile and sit down next to Theo.

"Hey." I say causally. Theo glances at me and smiles a touch.

"Hiya." He doesn't carryout the conversation like normal. There's something wrong.

"So, Theo, are you looking forward to tomorrow? Making love with Shai?" Theo burrows his brows together and looks at me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He wiggles his eyebrows and smirks. I laugh. There he is. He's back. But for good?

"You'll find Shai is actually good in bed." Miles says. I blush intensely. Why'd he have to say that?

"Well, I'll find out tomorrow." Theo says and winks at me. He's back, for good.

"Or maybe I'm ill tomorrow." I say cheekily. Theo grins and Zoë winks. Miles begins choking on a chip that went straight down his throat, whole.

"I don't think that'd be wise." Zoë says.

"Yeah, you wouldn't want Neil and Rob make you skip the scene. I know Theo wouldn't, he'd beg Neil and Rob to let you two do the scene." Miles says after choking. We all burst into fits of laughter.

"Shut up." Says jokingly. But I think there is a hint of actual annoyance in his voice.

A few hours later, it's getting late and I leave. Theo follows me.



"I need to tell you something-" We are interrupted by a drink Zoë scrambling out of Miles' room. Zoë smirks and slams the site after she goes into her apartment.

"What were you saying?" I am curiously.

"I-uh...I'll see you tomorrow." He leaves me in the hallway, alone. I frown. He's hiding something from me. I stand there for a while he was about to say something and it sounded important. So why not tell me?

I wake in the morning, singing my usual chime of 'good morning, good morning'. I yawn and check my emails, for work purposes only.

To Shai,

Theo said he's not well today, we'll shoot your scene tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience but blame Theo! (Joke). See you tomorrow,


There is something off. Theo was fine yesterday. Is it me? Was he going to tell me his true feelings yesterday? He hates me? I decide to have a herb bath and change into fresh clothes.

Once I'm ready, I head straight to Theo's room. I pound on the door and there's no reply for a while.

"Shai?" He says grogily. He rubs his eyes. "Shai!" He picks up a shirt from a cabinet next to the door. He chucks it over his head and yawns.

"What's wrong with you?" I say trying to keep my cool.

"What'd you mean?" He says his British accent making it's way into the conversation.

"Why've you cancelled today's scene?" His face drops. There is something up. And I will find out.

"Look Shai...I-" Theo scratches the back of his neck and pulls his track suit bottoms up.

"Aww, the loved up couple tpgether before their big scene!" Says Zoë as she walks past.

"We aren't together." I hiss loosing my temper. Theo looks at me, sort of awkwardly. Zoë go's back into her room and I turn back to Theo. "You were saying..."

"Shai, I can't talk about this now, I-"

"Just tell me..." I say impatiently. Theo's cheeks fills with redness and he shuts the door on me. "Theo!" I shout. He doesn't open the door so I practically stamp off. I go back into my room and read. Forget him.

It's no longer than an hour later when Theo appears at my door.

"What?" I say agitated.

"Look, Shai. I'm so, so sorry, I just-" I cross my arms over each other.

"Let me guess, you can't  tell me." He nods ashamed. But why?

"Shai, I can tell you but..." He takes a long pause.

"What? But what, Theo?" I say annoyed. He can't just keep being funny with me.

"But I don't think you're ready to find out..." What?

"Just tell me. Please." I beg. He hesitates.

"I...I don't want to, it'll ruin our friendship..."

"Theo..." I say my voice low and warning.

"I-I..." He coughs and his confidence builds. "Shai, I like you." My jaw literally drops to the floor. Theo likes me? How? I blush. "See, I told you. I've just ruined it." And with that, be walks off. I'm too stunned to follow him. I like Theo. He likes me. So why isn't this working?

Theo's P.O.V

Why? Why did I even say it? Tomorrow is going to be so awkward. Shai doesn't like my back and I was going to enjoy the rest of filming with her. But it doesn't look like that's happening. I always mess things up. I should have stayed with Ruth, because in the end, I knew Shai didn't like me. Yet I still did. I could of had a wife, kids with Ruth. But now, it looks like there's no chance anymore. I'm not getting back with Ruth. And I can't get with Shai. I'm so stupid.

Bonjour! So, I'm writing a Sheo FanFic! :D If you haven't already, check out my Divergent FanFictions;)

OH! By the way, HAVE YOU SEEN THEO/TOBIAS IN THE PICTURE? :0 Look at his Adam's apple!! :0 I hope you enjoyed. :)

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