Chapter 3

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Zoe's Pov : The bright morning sun shined through the blinds. I rubbed my eyes and turned over trying , to fall back asleep. I couldn't fall asleep my alarm went off causing , me to wake up. Mads was sat at the table looking at the tv. I sat down beside her , " so how was your date last night " she said. I let out a little smile " it was fun " , " did you guys have sex " she said taking a spoonful of cereal. I looked at her and rolled my eyes , as she laughed " so I guess you didn't " she said. " No of course not " I said shoving, her with my shoulder. " hey I wouldn't blame you if you did he's your greatest weakness " Maddie said. " what do you mean". She began naming things about him " dimples, curls charming , funny , cheeky , kind." " okay okay I guess your right " I said. " considering I haven't met him and named off things from you talking about him means I am right " she smirked.
I went to get ready. I showered letting the warm water, fall of my back it felt nice. While I was in the shower I kept thinking about what Maddie said. He was my greatest weakness , I mentally face palmed myself. " look what you've gotten yourself into " I said to myself. After my shower I put my hair in a bun , and put on leggings and a grey shirt. Maddie was leaning against the wall , on her phone when I walked out. When we got in the car the Morning chill filled the car causing me to shiver. Beyoncé came on the radio , " YES FAVOURITE SONG " Maddie said turning it up. We both sang along as Maddie tried to dance , at the red lights. Making us both laugh. Whenever we're together , we always laugh we always make the best , out of everything when we're together. She's always been my person , since we were three or four. She has always been my person , to cheer me up and make me laugh. We've always been there for each other that's why we're still friends. We pulled up into the Car park , at the studio I was at today. " bye semi single lady " she said smiling , " bye Mads " I jumped out of the car. I was greeted by my Manger when I walked into the building " morning Zo " she said while looking at her blackberry. " morning Maggie " I said following behind her. I had been modelling since I moved here , that was the main reason I moved out here. That's all I've been doing "trying to make a name for myself" as my manger says. After having my makeup and hair done , I got put into tight black dress with heavy pearls draped over me. The shoot was for Estée Lauder , it was my first really really big shoot. I was really nervous everyone keeps saying its my big break , I'm kinda of scared to be in the public eye. The camera was flashing as I posed as people shouted different things at me " perfect perfect " "just like that " , your gorgeous " " to the left more ". " we have the shot " someone shouted , I walked over to see the pictures I was blown away to be real. " this is the face that everyone will see " the camera man said to me , I bite the inside of me cheek a bit nervous. Everyone cheered and hugged me. " this time in two weeks your face will be every where " my manger said. I smiled a weak smile. Someone passed me the digital prints and I looked through them again. A huge knot formed in my stomach.
After saying my good byes and thank you's I walked towards the tube. There wasn't a lot of people being it was 8:00 pm. I sat down at a seat close to the window and pulled out my phone. I had lots of emails and a few text messages. I read through my emails being all business , I replied to some and forwarded more to my manger. I put my phone in my bag a looked out the window. I kept thinking back to my date with Harry , he was so perfect. He's not like the guys I would Normally meet. He's nice , funny , caring. I snapped myself out of my trance , he's got me wrapped around his finger and I barely know him. I decided the only way to get him off my mind was to see him. I toke out my phone and texted him : hi If you aren't busy want to come over tonight ? I was hesitant to send it for a while , " your not in high school send the damn text " I said to myself. I hit send and my heart pace picked up intently. The rest of the ride home I kept looking down at my phone , I almost missed my stop. I had missed the bus so I decided to walk home. When I had gotten home my phone , let out a Bing noise. My heart skipped a beat looking down realizing , it was only from Maddie saying she had to work late. After washing up and putting my hair into a pony tail , I went to watch tv. My phone went off again , i looked down seeing it was from Harry. My heart beat picked up.
Harry : I'm just wrapping up at work I get off at 9:00 is that alright ?
Me: yea that's fine see you then :)
Harry : see you then :)
I let out a smile I let out a cheer. I texted Maddie saying harry was coming over tonight. Maddie : wow already got a seconded date at home be safe kids. I rolled my eyes at her remark. I went into my room and looked , into my closet unsure of what the wear. I decided on a burgundy hoodie with a black top and leggings. I ended up straightening my hair and taking off some of my makeup. I waited anxiously on the couch playing with a pillow. The door bell rang causing me to jump , I speed walked towards the door. A smiling Harry was at the door , my heart beat increased. I invited him in un sure , of how to greet him he pulled me in for a hug. I showed him around the flat. " do you want to watch a movie " I said " that sounds good " he said smiling. He had a gorgeous smile , his dimples hit me in my weak spot causing me to smile. " sorry you must be hungry " , I walked over to the kitchen. " well we don't have anything " I sighed. "it's okay " Harry said " no you just worked , your hungry don't Deni it Harry " I bit cheek. " trust me I'm fine ". I squinted my eyes at him " I know we can order a pizza " I said , " that's sounds okay with me" harry smiled. I looked at him " I knew it ".
After ordering pizza he sat at the counter, and I leaned against the other side talking and laughing. I always kept close to people, in my life that made me forget about life. When I was with them that's what Harry does. I'm falling so hard for this curly haired boy , and Ive just met him . When the pizza arrived we sat on the couch and tried to pick a movie. We ended up looking at movies and giving out reviews , or watching the trailers. When we finally decided on a movie , he held me in his arms. We didn't really pay attention to it , we payed attention to each other. We ended up talking about our current lives through out the movie. " you said you moved out here for work I never, asked you what your job is " He said. I bit my cheek I was scared to tell him my job. what if he thinks I'm full of myself. " I um model " I said , " no way" " way " I said. " that explains why your so gorgeous " he flashed me a smile. I began to blush, he made me feel so good about myself. For the next 20 minutes we talked about my job he was so easy to talk too. It felt so good to talk to someone about how I felt. " so besides working at bakery, and going to uni what else do you do " I asked. " well this may sound lame but I'm in a band". " that's not lame that awesome " , " really " he questioned. " yeah if I could sing, would do the same ". " well you should come hear us play sometime ". " I would love to " I said a bit over excited. For the rest of the night we just talked about music and we played Each other music. " oh it's kinda late maybe I should head back " . I looked at the clock " oh yea sorry do you need a ride ? " " no it's fine I can just take a bus ". I walked him to the door " it's been fun thanks for coming ". " anytime thanks for having me " I leaned into him then our lips locked together. " your a good kisser" I said kicking myself as soon as I said it. " not to shabby yourself " he said.

AUTHORS NOTE: yeah I'm bad at updating sorry I will try my best I'm really exited about this book. 🙈🙈🙈

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